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Custom HTML

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    Custom HTML

    I am interested to know whether it is possible to create a new layout and insert in it custom HTML; specifically with a DTD of Strict classification; and referencing an external CSS, then insert in Actinic variables as required.

    Would the Actinic system still work sufficiently?

    I recall Actinic stripped out my strict declaration after I had designed an external template and imported into Actinic ... don't recall the exact wording but it did not like .. probably due to the Actinic specific code which would not pass validation etc.

    I tend to delete the link to the actinic.css in the outer layout and reference my own stylesheet that I can maintain externally in my app of choice.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Custom HTML

      Thanks for your input jont,

      I have found that replacing within a layout the current markup with my own appears to be working fine. I'm using V8 and the plan is to sort my client's design in html first, following strict web and accessibility compliance and then substitute the new markup for the markup in new layouts. Then dropping in Actinic variables as required.

      I'll let the community know how it all works out.



