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Help with some basic design problems please....

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    Help with some basic design problems please....

    I've got a couple of cosmetic design issues that I need help with please:
    1. Attributes - I've set up a component with around 5 choices which I'd like to display horizontally as radio buttons. Column count for radio buttons = 5.
      The attributes are linked to a product that has a product layout = No image No Description Laid out in single line

      The radio buttons get displayed horizontally, but are all squashed up and running into each other and my price gets displayed with the closing bracket on the next line. Also the buttons are right justified. Please see attached gif. I've tried a number of ideas that I came across the forum but none seem to work. These being:

      Design / Library / Layouts / Component Lists / Standard Component List / Edit List Layout Settings / Edit Rows and Columns / Middle Rows. Change from 1 to however many across you want.... as suggested by Norman in a previous thread...

      Adding !!<br/>!! x lots in the HTML title to drop the attribute down a few lines. This works but I don't know how to left justify it.

      Whatever the solution, I'd like it to be at a global level so that I don't have to repeat the exercise for every product.

    2. For products with more than 1 component, how do I display these one under the other rather than side by side?

    3. Changing colour of sideboxes - how do I do this?

    Thanks in advance for taking the time to look into this.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by KatrinaD; 03-Feb-2007, 10:40 PM. Reason: added another question

    can someone PLEASE help????

    I'm really stuck!!! I've spent hours playing around with the code but I can't get my page to display how I want it to. Surely someone must know how I can at least align my radio buttons or dropdown box to the left? I've tried align=left, valign=left - but it's not moving it to the left of the page;

    Your help would be greatly appreciated.


      Surely someone must know
      yes it is true someone probably does know how to do this - but you must also remember that the people who reply is this forum are volunteers, therefore there is no obligation to reply.

      Actinic staff also reply, but they tend to only reply when no-one else has - thusthey will pick up stuff that has had no reply in 24-48 hours. If you wait a while you will get a response either from a volunteer or a member of actinic.

      If you want a reply right now you either need to take out cover with actinic or pay a designer.

      I looked at your Qs at decided it would take me 20-30 mins to draft a response, I chose not to do this.



        Thanks for your response. I'm hoping that someone will come to my rescue.

        Originally posted by pinbrook
        I looked at your Qs at decided it would take me 20-30 mins to draft a response, I chose not to do this.
        I didn't realise that the issues I had would take so long to pen. I don't wish to put anyone's nose out of joint as the members on this forum are very helpful and I really appreciate the help I've had in the past. It's just that last night I'd spent ages trying to left align my dropdown listbox, was at the end of my tether and thought someone might say "just type blah blah blah here and it's sorted"!!!

        Sorry - no offence intended. If I sounded pushy - it wasnt meant to.


          No Worries, I am sure you will get an answer.....



            Also the buttons are right justified.
            This can be done @
            'Design / Library / Layouts / Choice Lists / Radio Button Choice List / Edit List Layout Settings ', here on the 'Overall Design' tab, insert 'align="left" somewhere in the opening <Table ... > bit of code.

            # For products with more than 1 component, how do I display these one under the other rather than side by side?
            You need to make the column count =1 on the component.

            Changing colour of sideboxes - how do I do this?
            A link to a site we can check for you will be helpful, I do not know what theme you are on or which boxes you are referring to.

            Kind regards,
            Bruce King


              Hi Bruce

              Many thanks for your suggestions. I tried them out last night.....

              Originally posted by Bruce
              This can be done @
              'Design / Library / Layouts / Choice Lists / Radio Button Choice List / Edit List Layout Settings ', here on the 'Overall Design' tab, insert 'align="left" somewhere in the opening <Table ... > bit of code.
              This didn't work. However, I had a look at the code around it and am currently "tweaking" it Dangerous!!!!!! I'm getting somewhere with it... will report back with the final result!!!!

              Originally posted by Bruce
              You need to make the column count =1 on the component.
              Thanks...that's ok now

              Originally posted by Bruce
              A link to a site we can check for you will be helpful, I do not know what theme you are on or which boxes you are referring to.
              I was referring to the background colour of the BestSeller box etc.. I've changed bgcolor in the design code and it now works fine. Maybe not the right place to do it but it works fine now.

              Once again, many thanks for your help.


