Hiya Darren
I'm in the Jolly Old Medway Towns - Not too far from the kite place.
And it's usually me in the corner - curled up in a ball & rocking
Where in Kent are you based then?
Does that mean we are in the majority now?
Perhaps we should have the convention at Leeds Castle. Gabriel will feel at home can even bring his ninjas & angry cats.
Located - Sunny Kent
A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.
I think we have to start looking at football stadium's ( or is that stadii ) - large capacity, no corners to hide in, available in most large cities (bound to be one near you . . . )
someone near to wembly could take a peek out of the bedroom window and see if there's any nearby facilities that look like being ready in the next few years or so.