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Product Sections

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    Product Sections

    Hi all

    Sorry if this has been asked already, I have looked through the search facility but couldn't find what I needed.
    Im using the original theme that is on the trial(executive I think) In the menu bar the title is 'product sections' and 'Main Pages', how do I change these and where?
    Found this site on here with an example

    Hope you can help

    I'm sure this will not be the only way to do this but here goes...

    Product Sections:

    With the Home Page selected in the Content Tree Go to Design View and click on 'Product Selections' in the design Preview. This should then show you the layout code for 'Top Level Section List With Horizontal Dividers'. Click where it says 'Click here to edit list layout settings'. Click on the 'Overall Design' tab and in 'Start of List' you will see the text 'Product Sections' - change it to what you want.

    Main Pages:

    In the Design Preview click on 'Main Pages' this will then show the layout code for 'Brochure Nav Bar With Horizontal Dividers'. On the very first line of this code you will see the text 'Main Pages' - change it to what you want.

    On the site you reference they are actually using images instead of text. To do this you would need to create some images and then replace the text in the layouts with the image source.

    Hope this helps.


      Duncan thank you so much!
      Thats worked!
      Really appreciate you taking the time to answer

