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index page

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    index page

    just a quick query about page names. I seem to have ended up with 3 index.html pages
    1 the brochure page
    2 the acatalog top sections page
    3 my dreamweaver home page

    presume this is not right
    if using the brochure page as homepage does the acatalog page need to be named something else?
    if using dreamweaver as the homepage do you have to call the brochure and catalog page something else

    I would get rid of your DW page and use the actinic homepage as the index and rename the catalog page to shop. You will then only have one.

    Remove the splash page they just annoy people


      1. If using the brochure homepage as homepage then you don't (or shouldn;t have) a DW homepage.
      2. If you are using an external homepage (ie from DW) then you don't need the brochure home set as homepage. In this case you should uncheck 'Use as website homepage' in the General tab of the Page Details (with the 'Home' icon in the Actinic Tree selected when in Content View)


        thanks that cleared things up for me


          Each of my Actinic V8 sites has generated the root index.html and also named the Catalog 'Store Top' page index.html as well.

          I would have thought this was confusing for search engines and instinct tells me Mal's way is the sensible way.

          But then in this thread

          Jo says Actinic is designed to have two index pages.

          What's the general consensus on this please?
          Kind Regards
          Sean Williams

          Calamander Ltd


            2 index.html pages in different folders do not clash and are fine. If you rename the shop top page to shop.html, then you should manually put an index.html file file there to block your server structure being shown.

