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Making a menu link open a separate window.. please help!

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    Making a menu link open a separate window.. please help!

    Hi everyone, please can anyone assist with this!! It seems like it should be straightforward, we have been through the forum and can only find help with spawning a new window from the [link] tag, which is not what we want..
    On our store menu, there's a terms and conditions link, with which we wish to open a new brochure page within Actinic 8 - (we don't want to use the terms and conditions within the Actinic site settings) - we've made the page and inserted our required text - now .. we want the link on the menu to open a new window (with no navigation in it, just the T&C text)
    Everytime we think we've sussed it, we find that all the 'Main pages' are opening the same pop up window no matter which of them you click on (the 'Product sections' seem to be separate though..)

    so to re-cap - we cannot generate this pop up window with simple text in that works just from the 'T&C' link alone.. Help would be appreciated, before we go mad, 2 of us have spent quite some time on this...!

    Thank you very much

    you need to add a target command to the link

    <a href="terms.html" target="newWindow">Terms and Conditions</a>
    it doesn't matter what you call the "target", because its a different name, it opens up in a different window

