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Standard Sub Section Spacing

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    Standard Sub Section Spacing

    Hello all,

    I am currently in the process of upgrading our site from V7 to V8. I have managed to fix most of the quirks but I am trying set up the Sub Section table.

    All the sections are arranged in boxes (pic + name underneath), with a maximum of four sections across the page and as many as required down the page. In the V7 template the boxes with equal vertical and horizontal spacing between the section boxes, but in the V8 version it butts all the boxes up next to each other, and all over to the left hand side of the page.

    Any ideas how I can space them out a bit?


    It depends on which theme & layout selector you are using. Actinic tends to nest a lot of tables inside of tables so you could try adding some cell spacing to the parent tables to force gaps accordingly and set the align=center to align the table centrally on the page.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Hello Jont,

      Thanks for your thoughts.

      It is a customised theme using the standard sub section list layout. As you said the tables are nested, so the actual section is displayed using Act_sectionlineboxes and arranged within the standardsubsectionlist layout.

      I will continue to have a play; but I wasn't sure if the List Layout settings -> Edit rows and columns settings could be used to manipulate the spacing between the various boxes.


