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    Hi im very new to this.
    I have a couple of questions after messing around with my online shop this evening...

    I have some coding errors...

    Ill explain.

    Variable 'fragmentimagefilename' is used out of context 73 times
    Variable 'fragmenttitle' is used out of context 73 times
    Variable 'fragmentimagewidth' is used out of context 73 times
    Variable 'fragmentimageheight' is used out of context 73 times

    Any ideas?
    take a look

    hope this helps explain a little...
    Last edited by godfather; 21-Feb-2007, 12:17 AM. Reason: Changed title from Noob. to Coding errors.


    Have a look in the "Problem Solvers" thread, the context problem is detailed in there and has come up a number of time already in the forum.

    Maybe also wise to have a read of this thread - as "Noob" adds nothing to future searches on the the forum.


      If you double click the "out of context" line for each error Actinic will take you to the offending layout where you can attempt to correct the error or possibly easier to make a note of the layout, find it in the library, right click and select "revert to factory"

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        Thanks Lee sorted the message title, sorry for the vagueness. I didnt think about possible followups, ill read the thread too.

        I tried that Jon but had little success.

        Ill try again.


          When you right click on the library layout that you have changed (by the looks of it a fragment) you also have the option to compare the layouts.. if you have heavily modified a layout and only need to change a small part this may be a better solutoin than blitzing back to factory. A worthwhile tip is to tick the "highlight modified layouts" on the library window to give you a fighting chance at ensuring you are on the right layout.

          If you are still baffled try deleting (or even apply a different layout) a fragment (if this is what is causing the error) and see if the error count goes down

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


            The first one is names <actinic:variable name="FragmentImageFileName" />

            on editing section (bottom left) it wont allow me to right click and revert back to factory settings can you explain this a little more please.


              Sorted cheers Jon.

              I just removed all the coding, it appears to have been duplicated.

              I have also renamed this thread but it still appears as 'noob' can the admin make the necessary changes please.


                The revert to factory settings option is available in the design library on one of the drop down lists, not where you are currently looking. If you type "revert to factory settings" in the help within actinic, it will explain and tell you where to go. Design - library.

