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Directory organisation - error?

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    Directory organisation - error?

    V8 Business
    At the moment, I am testing the development on my machine installed with the ftp & web server as per Actinic instructions and everything works fine for testing...

    However – After adding thumbnail images to the section heading, I am getting a warning when I 'upload' the site, at the ‘Checking Files’ process:

    Warning: The HTML templates specify source files (with "SRC=" commands) that reside in directories other than the acatalog directory on the web site. Actinic can not handle these files and they are being omitted from the list of files to upload.

    No source files in the templates should have a path. Store them in the site specific directory locally, and they will be uploaded to the Actinic web directory.

    When I remove the images, I do not get this warning.

    At present the images are in their own directory as:
    C:\program files\actinic v8\sites\site1\images-brandX

    Does the warning above mean that I have to dump all images into the ‘site1’ directory?

    If that is so, with 20 or more product suppliers each with a myriad of products I will have several hundred images to organise – I must keep images in several separate directories.

    How do others get round this problem? (or isn’t it a problem? what am I doing wrong?)
    Today is the tomorrow that I worried about yesterday.
    So far, all is well. Am I still worried? YES! Watch some b.....d mess it up!

    You will be ok as long as you keep your images in sub-directories of Site1. Don't keep them outside Site1 though - that could give you trouble later.


      Originally posted by drounding
      You will be ok as long as you keep your images in sub-directories of Site1. Don't keep them outside Site1 though - that could give you trouble later.
      Whew! That is good news... I take it that it means that I can ignore the warning. I wonder why the warning is generated, or is it badly worded?

      None the less, Thanks for the heads up! and so quickly too.
      Today is the tomorrow that I worried about yesterday.
      So far, all is well. Am I still worried? YES! Watch some b.....d mess it up!

