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Multiple Links / Downloading Documents

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    Multiple Links / Downloading Documents

    Hi everyone,

    My first post on here so I hope you'll go easy on me!

    I've got about 8 days left on the trial version and am frantically trying to get to grips with the programme as I look to move our store away from Zen Cart and into something much more flexible.

    The first stumbling block (of what i'm sure will be many!) is providing Datasheets and other product related documents available to download.

    I would like this near the top of the prodct image and not just in the text.

    There only appears to be capacity for one simple link and one advanced link, so what about when you have 5 documents that you need to make available?

    So far I've tried hand coding an html link into design view and this works, but I won't particulary want to do this for 4000 products - surely there must be an easier way?

    If I'm being picky, I'd love to be able to open a download window (similar to Firefox) rather than just opening the file in a new window, but I won't be too picky right at this moment.

    Hope someone can help.



    well, how about making a custom property or two.

    you can use these properties in links. Version 8 lets you use block statements to make things appear only if they are populated. I dont have a copy at hand to help you with an example. Make sure you're variable has the correct scope. e.g. at the product level.

    this way, it'll be available in your product template, to place wherever you like.

    your new variables will appear in the tabs on your product properties.


      As Gabriel says, this is completely do-able. Here's how in broad terms.

      Create some Product level Variables File1 ... File6 of type Filename, also Allow Empty.

      Create some Product level Variables Text1 ... Text6 of type Filename, also Allow Empty.

      Create a new Layout called ExtraLinks. In this layout add code like (untested).
      <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22File1%22%20%2f%3e%20%21%3d%20%22%22" >
      <a href="<actinic:variable name="File1" />" target="_blank"><actinic:variable name="Text1" /></a> 	
      And repeat for File2, etc.

      Then insert that layout where needed in your Product Layout.
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

