Not seen this one before. I have just recovered from a complete crash of V8 due to a potential clients error - "Oh yes the snapshot did say it had 182 errors but I didnt think it was important"
Anyway I had to reinstall V8 which went OK - now however when I open a site it says that the Registry key is not compatable with the new version of V8 also when I do a snapshot of the site I get an error for every other site I have licenced eg
(File ExportSite.cpp, Line 1637) - Registry error 2, key Software\Actinic\Catalog8\Sites\Sanderson Dixon\Catalog - The system cannot find the file specified.
This is repeated 40 times, one for each site I am working on.

Anyway I had to reinstall V8 which went OK - now however when I open a site it says that the Registry key is not compatable with the new version of V8 also when I do a snapshot of the site I get an error for every other site I have licenced eg
(File ExportSite.cpp, Line 1637) - Registry error 2, key Software\Actinic\Catalog8\Sites\Sanderson Dixon\Catalog - The system cannot find the file specified.
This is repeated 40 times, one for each site I am working on.