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New user of actinic Business

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    New user of actinic Business

    Hiya there.I am new to actinic and I am currently in the process of setting up my online store using actinic.I have found it very good so far,really simple and easy to use,for an amateur such as myself.Hwoever I have uploaded all of my products I wish to sell and am happy with the initial lay out so far.I have a few queries if any of you guys could help me answer:

    1> How do I choose my domain name on actinic?I can seemto find asection on actinic business as to where I can select it.I am on the 30 days free trial atthe moment with intention of purchasing?

    2>How do I know that my website will be high up on the likes of google etc?

    3>Does actinic have its own version of say paypal(a secureonlinemoney transactio service)?

    3>Are these questions so simple I have just made a fool of myself?

    Many Thanks Alex

    Welcome Alex.
    1. You need to choose a host for your store - preferably linux - that has the features required such as the ability to run Perl scripts etc. There is a doument on the Actinic website that details the requirements of a host - there are also many specialist Actinic hosts who frequent this forum that you may wish to choose - you can find their details in their forum signatues.
    2. Actinic can integrate with a variety of payment providers - again check on the Actinic website for details. For example you can integrate Paypal, Protx, Worldpay etc. Many of these providers require you to have a merchant account with a bank to process credit card details as well.
    3. No you haven't made a fool of yourself.

    Get yourself comfortable with a large cup of coffee and search around in the forum you'll find lots of useful related information.


      2. Actinic fares very well with Google et al due to the creation of static pages upon upload. v8 is apparently going better than v7 (ruralweb) in terms of ranking. There are obviously better Actinic sites than others when competing on the search engines - this is down to content and other SEO tips and tricks which are often discussed on the forum (don't forget replies in v7 are often still relevant and applicable to v8)

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        Thanks for your help.I think I am going to do whats suggested and sit down and have a good old fettle.


