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"unhandled win32 exception occurred" error

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    "unhandled win32 exception occurred" error

    Hello All,

    im in the USA

    i am running us ver. of actinic and i am ready to upload my site.

    Everything runs fine however when I run the configure web details wizzard OR the test button everything is moving along but when I get near the end of the wizzard...I get "unhandled win32 exception occurred in catalog.exe [5752]" from the visual studio 2005 debugger box that pops up. then actinic closes.

    I have tried to re-install the program (many times)...didnt work.

    I have tried to revert to ALL of my saved & backup projects and no luck.

    When im using Actinic and creating my project I NEVER get crashes or errors.

    I am running windows server 2003.

    Any help would be appreciated before I pay for tech support.

    Thanks in advance


    Could you try this once more please. Uninstall Actinic from the Control Panel | Add and remove Programs, then go to C:\Program Files\ and delete the 'Actinic' folder.

    Now reinstall the software and check if it works, if it does not then you will need to register an email query @ so that a member of the support team can take a look at this for you.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      Thank you for your reply.

      I have tried calling your USA (new jersey) Distributor and all extensions I reach are answering machines. I have left them messages a few days in a row and they seem VERY unresponsive. I would like to pay for the premium phone support but no one returns my calls which is not a good sign.

      I call the number on your web page (for USA Sure Solutions Inc.
      ) & the 800 number here in the states and recieve the same thing.

      I cannot purchase ANYTHING from the web site because there seems to be a problem with the site as of this writing. When you are prompted to give your domain name in the box then hit enter you are spit back to the same page as if you have not entered anything.

      Once again I dont mind paying the $500 for the premium phone support, however it scares me that no one calls me back because it makes me think that is how the premium support will be.

      I will try to call your UK office to see what my options are.

      thanks again


        Bruce - can you advise on the phone status at Actinic HQ at the moment as per the other v8 thread?

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          I am extremely sorry you have not been able to get in touch with someone in the US. If you raise a ticket at the link provided or at this one Then a member of the UK support team should be able to get back to you.

          You could also call in our support line between 9.00 AM and 5.00 PM GMT. The number is 08451294848

          Kind regards,
          Bruce King



            There was a power outage at the Byfleet offices and hence the Phones not being reachable. We are still having some technical issues but if you call the numbers provided on the other thread, someone should be able to call you back.

            Kind regards,
            Bruce King


              I am sorry your having troubles reaching us. We had a problem this week with staff as many are traveling or down with illness in the US office. I am happy to speak with you on friday. If you would email me at with your company and contact details I will contact you from my mobile. I am sorry but I am out of the office and do not have access to all the database information.

              Brian Johnson
              :::Sure Solutions Inc:::Professional Actinic templates from
              1-732-528-7635 x203

