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linking to a pdf

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    linking to a pdf

    I have two questions essentiallt they are variations on the same thing
    1. I want to upload a pdf document to my site and put a link onto the page not only to link to it but offer the option to download and/or print
    2. I would like to upload a movie clip and then point to it. Again how is this done.

    Thanks very much

    Hi Derek,

    If you include the following wherever:-

    !<<a href="">Details of pdf here</a>>!!

    Just remember to include the file in Additional files to be uploaded by Actinic!

    As far as your movie clip is concerned, you would need to do this with Flash, unless anyone else has a simpler means of achieving it.

    Location: North Yorkshire UK



      Thanks for that.

      When you say wherever, what exactly do you mean. Also how doe I upload additional files



        Originally posted by dscontroller
        Hi Derek,

        If you include the following wherever:-

        !<<a href="">Details of pdf here</a>>!!

        Just remember to include the file in Additional files to be uploaded by Actinic!

        As far as your movie clip is concerned, you would need to do this with Flash, unless anyone else has a simpler means of achieving it.

        there is a little typo in the above - it is missing a '!'. Any html code that is used i na fragment or product description or similar needs to be like this:


        To add a movie will depend on whether you want it played in a window on your site or be there to download fro ma link. If you want a link then do the same as above just change the file name accordingly. If you want it to play in a window then I would suggest an internet search on how to do this in html.

        To add to additional file go to: Design | Additional Files on the top Menu in Actinic.


          Still stuck with this!!!

          In the link tab of the product details using simple lin I have entered the text i need. On the next line I have pointed to the file on my hard drive. (A subdirectory of Sites within Actinic)
          the address is entered into the space as subdirectory/filename.
          I have done the same in upload additional files and bothe are giving thesame name.

          When I upload to the online shop the file is placed there but the link doesn't work because it is trying to find a subdirectory that doesn't exist online.

          I have tried to edit delete the subdirectory on the link tab but then I get the error message that it can't find the file

          Can anyone help please


            Don't use the link facility. Just place the code given in the product text description.


              I must be thick,I don't know where you want me to put the text?

              If I put it in the description box it will show as html on the page??



                Originally posted by Derekl
                I must be thick,I don't know where you want me to put the text?

                If I put it in the description box it will show as html on the page??

                Put it in the description box.

                It will not show the raw html on the page if you do this:
                !!<<a href="">Details of pdf here</a>>!!

                the extra characters !!<.... and .... >!! will tell Actinic that it is html.

