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Site Titivating - willing to pay

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    Site Titivating - willing to pay

    I've built my shop myself and it's Ok but it's a bit clunky in places.

    I put a question about adding a footer:

    and Norman kindly told me what to do, but when I read the instructions I feel that I'm in over my head.

    So is there anyone who can do this for me and also some other things, e.g.

    the site doesn't seem to respond very well to different size screens;

    Reducing the amount of info in the boxes for 'best sellers' and 'most popular' on the home page.

    I'm also open to suggestions about what else would be good to do.

    I don't expect anyone to do this for free. Are there people out there who are good at and enjoy tarting up existing sites?

    Jane Thurnell-Read
    200 Plus Weight Loss Tips

    500 Plus Health And Happiness Tips

    What's the URL Jane?


      sorry it was in my signature but here it is
      Jane Thurnell-Read
      200 Plus Weight Loss Tips

      500 Plus Health And Happiness Tips


        Well, I got more than titivating of my site.

        Duncan Rounding, a regular contributor to this forum, contacted me. The work he has done on the site exceeded all my expectations, and he was so patient with my questions and blunders, and my "oh, I've had another thought..." emails.

        I'd got a shop up using the basic v8 package, but really felt out of my depth when I wanted to make it look nicer and make some subtle changes, so that the shop really reflected me. Maybe I could have learnt what to do, but using Duncan worked like a dream. I guess he could design a shop from scratch too.

        I cannot recommend him more highly. Have a look at the redesign he did for me:

        Life-Work Potential

        I was so pleased with that shop that I got him to design a similar dedicated shop for my other site - up to now they've shared a shop which has never been satisfactory. This one went live yesterday, and I've still got lots of work to do adding products but take a look:

        Health & Goodness online shop

        I'd like to make a public thanks to Duncan from the bottom of my heart for a job well done.

        Jane Thurnell-Read
        200 Plus Weight Loss Tips

        500 Plus Health And Happiness Tips

