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FAO Chris, Bruce, Tracey or Toby

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    FAO Chris, Bruce, Tracey or Toby

    Hi Guys and Gals

    I've been emailed 3 times over the past 2 days asking me to confirm and help users on how to upgrade to 8.05. I haven't upgrade any sites as of yet and i intend to start in about half hour, so i have very little experience on it also.

    The link in the thread for the patch (i think most people tend to download these) actually recommends downloading the trial version, i think is where people are getting confused.

    Is it possible to have an instruction sheet on what they need to do posted or whether you can confirm what i have written below is correct.

    1. Take snapshot of current V8 site
    2. Backup any CSS and external designs you are using
    3. Download the trial version off the actinic site

    ....this is where the confusion seems to be and i must admit i would just try different methods until i achieved what i wanted, however that will scare most people. Is it:

    4. Uninstall your current version of V8
    5. Delete the Actinic folder also
    6. Install the trial version
    7. Use your existing license key to turn the trial software into full production as you had
    8. Import V8 snapshot

    This is how it seems from what i've read that people are doing. As i have never downloaded the trial version and done it this way (only ever used patches), i'm not quite picturing how the upgrade occurs. I'm presuming that as you import the snapshot, it is upgraded at that stage? is this correct?

    I have also seen some posts with regards to the DW module needing to be upgraded also as different versions are released. I can find no module to download any upgrade for this, so i am presuming it is part of the full release?

    If you can clarify these points, i and at least 3 others will benefit - cheers.

    Not Bruce, Chris, Toby or Tracey

    Have you seen this I posted yesterday

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      The full release incorporates the changes and the DW module installation. If you are upgrading from say 8.0.2 to 8.5.0 it will upgrade the database when you open a site (I went from 8.5 beta to full release and no conversion took place).

      If you import a v7 then further conversion takes place upon import.

      It is always better to use the full version than the patch for obvious reasons.

      It would be better for Actinic to label the same 30 day download also as a full download as this could be confusing to existing license owners IMO. When installed you simply enter your key at first use again.

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        Still them IMO

        Yeah i remember reading it, it doesn't answer all the points i raised and i presume others are thinking the same, otherwise i wouldn't have been emailed. Previously, you download the new patch, close actinic, run the patch, reopen actinic, it upgrades and abracadabra you have a new upgraded site.

        Your method appears to copy what you have now, move it into a different location and then move it back after your actinic is upgraded. I can see that for any new licensed sites they will get the new version, but how are the copied over sites getting the upgrade.

        How things are upgraded seems the grey area to me, maybe i'm just thick.


          Originally posted by jont
          It would be better for Actinic to label the same 30 day download also as a full download as this could be confusing to existing license owners IMO. When installed you simply enter your key at first use again.
          Exactly! Confusion is not good on things like this. People are reverting to emailing other forum members as they are lost on what to do and cannot get thru to support.


            Originally posted by leehack
            How things are upgraded seems the grey area to me.
            It depends on where you are upgrading from. Assuming to v8.5 full

            v7 - full conversion of the database
            v8.0.n - some conversion to use the new shipping etc
            v8.5 beta - no conversion (certainly don't recall any taking place and no notifications)

            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


              Well hopefully most people are on 8.04 and need to do this, that is at least what i need to do. Nothing to do with V7. Just a clear process to moce from 8.04 to 8.05 is needed, for my brain anyway.

              I can certainly see how people are confused, including me, however i would just try things and not panic, users won't, they get scared.


                It is v8.5.0 which is a full release above the previous - hence the slight upgrade.

                If you are on v8.0.4 there should be no major issues about installing and upgrading .. just keep plenty of backups, folder copies and snapshots

                SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                  Originally posted by jont
                  It is v8.5.0 which is a full release above the previous - hence the slight upgrade.
                  I am aware that 8.5 is an upgrade to 8.4, not sure what your point is. 8.6 is probably the next for release too in case anyone needs this info.

                  Originally posted by jont
                  If you are on v8.0.4 there should be no major issues about installing and upgrading .. just keep plenty of backups, folder copies and snapshots
                  I am not worried about major issues or whether i am sensible enough to take backups etc. I am asking for a confirmation on the points raised in my OP.

                  I have always upgraded via patches and not once had a problem. For this version, the process has changed and i am merely confirming the new (to me) process.

                  I can't see for the life of me how when you copy your site folders over, they get upgraded as they are going thru a C+P exercise, not an upgrade. In my obviously thick head, i am seeing that would give me 8.5 software with 8.4 sites within the site1 folder.

                  I once again confirm that it is the upgrade process i am trying to confirm, i understand about version numbers of software, i understand backups, snapshots and alike and i do know how to suck eggs.


                    They went from 8.0.4 to 8.5.0 ... with the middle number representing a major release and not a patch which is designated by the end number

                    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                      Originally posted by leehack
                      8.6 is probably the next for release too in case anyone needs this info.
                      The next release will most likely be 8.5.1 .. a patch to v8.5.0

                      Originally posted by leehack
                      I am not worried about major issues or whether i am sensible enough to take backups etc.
                      No, but others might be on an open forum

                      Originally posted by leehack
                      I can't see for the life of me how when you copy your site folders over, they get upgraded as they are going thru a C+P exercise, not an upgrade. In my obviously thick head, i am seeing that would give me 8.5 software with 8.4 sites within the site1 folder.
                      The software environment is 8.5.0 .. when you import a 8.0.4 or lower snapshot or drag the contents over into the site folder Actinic tests the database and recognises the database of the site is 8.0.4 and then does its thing to upgrade the database to 8.5.0. Once that is done your site is in 8.5.0. You will not be able to have any 8.0.4 sites under v8.5.0

                      Originally posted by leehack
                      i do know how to suck eggs.
                      .. this phrase has always baffled me .. especially when your granny is involved

                      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                        This is one of the emails i received, the person shall remain anonymous for obvious reasons and i hope this illustrates what i was trying to address:

                        "I know it is wrong to email somebody direct, but I am really desparate and I am frightend that if I post publicly whilst you might answer there are others further north who will really shoot me down in flames for a stupid question!

                        Please can you tell how do I upgrade to 8.5 at present I have 8.0.2, when I go to the download patch page it reconises me and when I click where it tells me to it takes me to a page which is allowing me to download a thirty day trial.I have only had this software a few months and I am on a very steep learning. I know it probably sounds daft to you but I just cannot see the wood for the trees and ringing ACtinic has not helped at all."

                        I am not sure this thread has helped at all, time will tell.


                          Originally posted by leehack
                          there are others further north who will really shoot me down in flames for a stupid question!
                          So much for the so called "friendly notherners"

                          Originally posted by leehack
                          when I click where it tells me to it takes me to a page which is allowing me to download a thirty day trial.I have only had this software a few months and I am on a very steep learning.
                          Yep - there should be a duplicate link to the same file for "existing users"

                          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                            Can just confirm that I used 'the Jont method' to go from 8.03 to 8.5, with the exception that instead of steps 5 & 6 (licence blank sites and copy back), I just imported a 8.03 snapshot, and everything appears to be fine (if anything is bound to damn me, it will be those famous last words ...

                            ..."don't worry, its just a bit of ice...we're the Titantic godammit...everything appears to be fine"


                              You are doomed man Martin.

                              I did the final steps that way as upgrading from the 8.5 Beta which had an issue regarding snapshot locations being retained - this was the safest course of action at that time - I will update the original thread accordingly to take into account upgrading from 8.0.4 or lower. Cheers Martin

                              I have also appended a note on the original thread about downloading the 30 version and using the existing key to license.

                              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

