Good morning, back looking at V8 after loads of other stuff. This is a question that has been kick around for a little while but preparing a mailing of catalogues, thought I would ask it now.
When people fill in their details online or on an offline order, Actinic asks for their name only, people approach this different ways and you end up with their first name, or just a surname, initial etc.. So you could get
All the same guy but all different in the eyes of the database.
Is it possible to split this field up store the information separately. Just be really useful.
We are using postcode anyway which works really well for us and improving quality of the address information, had to move the postcode field up the page so people can enter it first rather than fill all the details and then find the button. Next stage is to sort capitals of the initials / first name / surname. Have to search for a solution rgarding that.
Any suggestion above would be grateful, kind regards Mash
When people fill in their details online or on an offline order, Actinic asks for their name only, people approach this different ways and you end up with their first name, or just a surname, initial etc.. So you could get
- Mr Smith
- Mr A Smith
- A Smith
- Alan Smith
All the same guy but all different in the eyes of the database.
Is it possible to split this field up store the information separately. Just be really useful.
We are using postcode anyway which works really well for us and improving quality of the address information, had to move the postcode field up the page so people can enter it first rather than fill all the details and then find the button. Next stage is to sort capitals of the initials / first name / surname. Have to search for a solution rgarding that.
Any suggestion above would be grateful, kind regards Mash