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    Content Navigation

    I've just come back from the designer course and found it very useful, thanks to all at Actinic for great training and a very enjoyable day

    As I'm starting to develop our own designs I'm wondering if it is possible to link to multiple content pages within the same section by using page links eg: page 1 | page 2 | etc. We would like to be able to fix the depth of a design and link from page to page rather than just scrolling downwards to view all products - can this be done?

    Hi Paul

    You could set up your section as:

    - sub-section: widgets page1
    - sub-section: widgets page2
    - sub-section: widgets page3

    Then add previous and next section links to the bottom of the page (details of how to do this are in the AUG).

    This will give you the products listed on page 1, with a foward link at the bottom to page 2.

    If you wanted just the main section, with links to page1, page 2, page 3 etc along the bottom, this is more complex, but could be achieved by either adding handcoded links to the bottom of the page, or by using one of the advance List functions available in V8 (see AUG around page 38).
    Have not tried this myself, but believe it could achieve what you are after.


      Hi Martin
      I think I get the idea, I'll take a look at the AUG and if I get stuck I'll post back. Many thanks for your help with this

