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A General Script Error Occurred

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    A General Script Error Occurred


    Got a error with add to cart and veiw cart. I am getting....

    A General Script Error Occurred

    Error: /content/DesignerPlus/i/n/ can not be locked during Session init!
    Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner

    Help I am worried that no one can buy anything from us.

    with thanks
    Steve Indigo

    Indigo Herbs of Glastonbury

    Indigo Herbs Blog

    Testing the problem

    I have just been testing the problem and it works sometimes and not others.
    This could (would) put me off, if I wanted to buy something form my site.

    What to do?

    Steve Indigo

    Indigo Herbs of Glastonbury

    Indigo Herbs Blog


      If it's intermittent i would expect either an issue on the said PC or a hosting issue and not Actinic. Check your hosting out, see if there has been any problems.


        Check the permissions on the acatalog folder. It sounds as though they are set too low. Actinic require 777 which allows the customer and the programme read, write and execute permission (the programme has to be able to write the session file, and the order file).
        Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
        BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
        Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
        VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
        Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


          I too keep experincing this problem.

          I have found today that if I delete all session files manually (Actinic can't delette them) I can then make an order.

          However if I place an item in the shopping cart, go away and then come back again I get a general script error. I am presuming that this is because the website is unable to write to the session file due to the permissions being wrong.

          Nearly all of the permissions are set at 755, if I manually change them to 777 then they revert back to 755 any way.

          Is there particular scripts that I need to set permissions for rather than doing everything.

          Can I make a change to Actinic or my CGI-BIN to stop this happeneing.

          Any help would be appreciated.

          The site with the problem is

          Many thanks


          Titan Jewellery (Swift Design)
          Zirconium Rings
          Damascus Steel Rings


            Originally posted by Buzby
            Nearly all of the permissions are set at 755, if I manually change them to 777 then they revert back to 755 any way.
            They are reverted back to 755 because Actinic sets the permission all the time when the session file is touched. If you would like to set the default permission then go to Network settinggs and press the Cart Options button at the LHS. You can set both lock and unlock permissions to 777 to see if it solves the problem.

            I hope this helps.
            Actinic Software


              Thanks Zoltan,

              I have tried this but it is asking for a 4 digit number. Do you know what this 4 digit number would be?

              Many thanks


              Titan Jewellery (Swift Design)
              Zirconium Rings
              Damascus Steel Rings


                Click the [?] tooltip button then click the field in question in order to get help.
                Norman -
                Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                  This didn't work.

                  I can navigate the site for around 20 - 30 minutes before I get a permission denied error on the session files. Deleteing my cookie or session files on the server will give me another 20 or so minutes.

                  In addition if I don't download an order within 20 to 30 minutes the order file is locked and I have to manually change the permissions on the order file so that I can download it.

                  I know that this is a server issue but my host's response is constantly "this has been passed to an engineer" and nothing changes.

                  This problem is now about to enter its fourth day and I am pulling my hair out with the hosting company.

                  Can anyone suggest anything that I can do on the server to rectify this?

                  Many thanks



                  Titan Jewellery (Swift Design)
                  Zirconium Rings
                  Damascus Steel Rings



                    If it has taken them 4 days so far to find out what is happening, i would suggest they are not too hot on actinic hosting and it is probably advisable to move onto a hosting company that has a proven record with actinic.

                    You can get actinic hosting very cheap nowadays. Whether or not they solve the issue is immaterial really, their service appears second rate. 4 days without a functioning site will cost you far more than a new and proven hosting account.


                      4 days is no good if nobody can order from your site - I am with Lee and would suggest moving ASAP - you should be looking at 4 hours not 4 days for a response (which will inevitably be - ask Actinic as we are all cool this side)

                      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                        I have the same issue!

                        I have the same issue with someone who hosts on our webspace. Nothing has changed and I cannot see anything wrong with the permisions on our IIS6 server but the LCK files do not delete correctly. If you delete them manaully then all works fine? The URL for this site is Any help would be much appreciated as I am rapidly running out of things to try now. Cheers.


                          Hi Scott

                          Would it be possible for you to copy and paste your settings(minus the Ftp Username and Password) so we can have a look at it.

                          Kind Regards
                          Kiran Chandran
                          Technical Support - SellerDeck

                          Further help can also be found at



                            I will try your site regularly over the next 24 hours to see if it generates the same errors that I received on my site. If it replicates the same problems then I will be better to advise.

                            I may put through a few dummy orders but this will be obvious to you.

                            Kind regards



                            Titan Jewellery (Swift Design)
                            Zirconium Rings
                            Damascus Steel Rings


                              Crikey, your problem is worse than mine with it timing out in seconds.

                              Basically this is what I did.

                              In network settings i changed the permissions to 0777 (both boxes)

                              and I changed the folder to store the sessions in to ../tmp/

                              I had to manually create the folder on the server and then set up a "session.save_path" to the folder. This option was available on my server.

                              This allowed for sessions to remain active.

                              After this I did still experience problems with searching on the site and downloading orders and payments which I will advise of further if you are having the same problem.

                              Kind regards



                              Titan Jewellery (Swift Design)
                              Zirconium Rings
                              Damascus Steel Rings

