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home page - index.html

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    home page - index.html

    I've just uploaded a site into live by mistake (not quite ready yet - should have been in "test mode") , not a problem, I'll just delete the actinic folder (acatalog) from the web, and carry on as though nothing happened ! (all cocked up and sorted out in a matter of minutes) - I thought no more of it.

    I then get a phone call from a friend who said "did you know the main page of your web site has changed ! " - when I look, its now the "soon to be main page" (albeit not yet released)

    when I think back, I read a warning messages "do you want to over-write index.html but assumed I have a duplicate filename somewhere in actinic" so simply sad "yes please" - probably this was the cause of the problem.

    I've now read the main help file ("Creating a Home Bounce Page")
    exception to this is the 'Brochure Home Page', which can be uploaded to the directory level above 'acatalog' on your website
    Am I correct in thinking that because I have this as "index.html", it HAS uploaded to the "parent of acatalog" and overwritten my main index.html web page ??

    I already have a standard index.html page at the root of my website and I'm happy to keep this and when the time is ready, link across to actinic.

    I've quickly renamed it to index-actinic.html as a safe-guard.

    I've even had the main index page registered at to warn me of such stupid mistakes, and when I looked back at my emails, I've got one of these emails saying "my home page has changed" BUT I IGNORED IT - another lesson learnt - brilliant service IF YOU READ THE EMAILS ! ! !

    two questions
    1. can someone please confirm that this was indeed the cause of my problem. and I've "fixed" it in an efficient manner
    2. as a secondary note, if I leave index.html as the page name of the "home page" - what happens in "test mode" ? - where does it put the "home page"

    any other observations (apart from "you plonker" )

    You are correct, you told the store to upload and you also ignored the error message which could have stopped you from doing so. The actinic created home page is loaded to the root, just as any other home page normally is. Simply re-upload the non actinic home page and it will be sorted. Also change the name back to index as it is called that for a reason.

    In test mode it will upload the page to the root of the test site using the same principle. If you are unaware how the test site differs from the main site, then switch into test mode and view your network settings, it should become very clear what happens when you do this.


      Cheers Lee
      ignorance is bliss - and I sure ignored message after message after message !

      lesson learn't !

      at the moment, I do NOT want to upload to index.html, I've other bits in the existing index.html that I need to keep - but I get you point, I WILL change it back to "index.html" before I go live.

      I've watched, monitored, and played with /acatalog/test/acatalog/... - thats what I was trying to do, but "forgot" to check I was in TEST-MODE BEFORE I uploaded the TEST web site - another valuable lesson learnt.

      one more quick question.
      can I force the test area to go to "/test/acatalog/" or am I forced to leave it where it is.


        If you are in test mode, the actinic index file will not override your non-actinic index file as it is loaded to a different place.

        The root of your site is
        The production actinic store sits as
        The test site root sits at
        The actinic test store sits at

        All 4 are different and do not override or clash with any others. There is no need to try and change what actinic does when it is in test mode as it is fine, i think you have a slight misunderstanding that even when you are in test mode you will override your non actinic index file - you can't do this as it's in a different place.

        You can have an existing actinic store, a test actinic store and your own index file all on your server at the same time and without affecting each other, you just need to be in test mode.


          thanks again Lee.

          you just need to be in test mode.
          Thats the key ! - I MUST be in test mode, and it was just a plain stupid mistake on my part, I hit the button to upload the "potential new store" but FORGOT to put it in test mode first.

          perhaps one for the wish-list
          when the site is FIRST created, the system AUTOMATICALLY puts it into TEST mode. - you then make a conscious descision to come out of test mode when your'e ready.

          the ONLY reason I have renamed the home-page to "index-actinic.html" is so that I DO NOT overwrite my existing index.html I already have at the root of the test directory, no other reason. (I need to keep the one I already have) - I have of course, made a clickable link inside MY "index.html" to jump to "index-actinic.html" to see what the actinic-home-page will look like. - there is no mis-understanding here, it IS a conscious decision


            Originally posted by completerookie
            perhaps one for the wish-list
            when the site is FIRST created, the system AUTOMATICALLY puts it into TEST mode. - you then make a conscious descision to come out of test mode when your'e ready.
            Once you select to go into test mode, the software stays in that forever until you physically change it, therefore to have switched, you must have taken it out at some stage through the menu. Even snapshots retain test status. Use offline preview its quicker and less hassle that an upload while you are tinkering with the site.

            Originally posted by completerookie
            the ONLY reason I have renamed the home-page to "index-actinic.html" is so that I DO NOT overwrite my existing index.html I already have at the root of the test directory, no other reason. (I need to keep the one I already have) - I have of course, made a clickable link inside MY "index.html" to jump to "index-actinic.html" to see what the actinic-home-page will look like. - there is no mis-understanding here, it IS a conscious decision
            I can't quite grasp this, if you have accidentally uploaded the store to its ultimate location, the index file it placed in the root, will be identical to the one placed in the "test" root. Therefore renaming one of them will make no difference at all, you will have 2 identical files, just with a different name. Not sure what you are trying to retain. As long as you understand what you are on about, that's all that counts i guess.

            In case it's unclear. The index.html you have loaded to the root at the moment is your temporary page while you are building (splashscreen). This will only get overwritten if you come out of "test mode" and upload. If in test mode, your index.html file will load to

            If you come out of test mode then everything loaded up for viewing the test site will be auto deleted. Once you switch back to test mode, it will all have to be uploaded again.

            Best process i have found is to license a store, set up the network settings and put it into test mode immediately. Create a temporary home page while you are building and upload via ftp, outside of actinic. Work on your store, if you want to check what your home page looks like while building you go to and if you want to see the actinic store you go to

            Once you are happy with the site, switch to production mode, upload and the test site will be deleted and you will be prompted to overwrite your temporary index page, previously ftp'ed outside of actinic. Click yes and Bob's your uncle.


              Best process i have found is to license a store, set up the network settings and put it into test mode immediately.
              thats the aim of my wish - lets have it automatically put into test mode upon creation of a new site.
              Once you are happy with the site, switch to production mode, upload and the test site will be deleted and you will be prompted to overwrite your temporary index page, previously ftp'ed outside of actinic. Click yes and Bob's your uncle
              thats what I had accidently done, its just that I didn't realise the implication of the "overwrite index.html ??" message - I do now. !

              all of this comes down to EXPERIENCE. - I'm getting there, but like everyone, its just practice.
              thanks Lee.
              points noted.


                "Back to Main Page" in Top Level Section . . . HELP!

                The "Back to Main Page" link which should take a client to the main product listing in the catalog is logging my clients out to the login page - do you know how I can correct this - it is really annoying!!! (I have Actinic Version 8)


                  last post is a duplicate Q so best ignored here and responded to in the new thread

