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8.5. Should I make the leap of faith?

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    8.5. Should I make the leap of faith?

    Okay, some may have seen from a previous thread that I am thinking of moving to and telling clients to move to 8.5.

    Should I do it?

    It seems like in the last 10 minutes that I have looking at the forum that there seems to be big problems with merging data etc. And that even if you have had a v8 site working perfectly before (congratulations to those of us that have) that problems still occur to the extent that some cannot keep there shops running.

    Are these issolated problems or is their a biggy waiting for everyone who tries to upgrade? Does anyone have a list of problems that they wish to share?

    It worries me because I have seen comments from forum stallwarts who have had problems and who don't seem to have have the answers.

    In short, is it worth upgrading yet?

    Boxhedge New Media Design
    Design and development solutions for SME's.
    Tel: 0118 966 2786
    Examples of work can be found at

    I should wait for 8.5.1, which should have some bugs variable fixed. Hopefully, hint hint.


      Hi Lee,
      I think our site is working in 8.5, it's located at at the moment and will be released as as soon as we sort out a new UK based dedicated server.
      Perhaps you could have a look and tell us all the faults? I know there are bound to be lots but the basic site seems to work ok, it will need some ongoing tyding up, luckily it doesn't use any merged data.


        There seems to be a mix of reactions, some people are quite happy.

        Personally my experience was not a happy one so I'm holding back. My reasons are my upgrades failed due to an import error message (snapshot is atill with suppoort), and there are loads of threads re issues with snapshots, external integration and JS.

        Since my bread and butter revolves around creating a snapshot, I'm still on 8.04


          Ive upgraded all my V8 sites now and they are all working OK.


            Yep as I said some peoples sites are upgrading fine, others are not.

            Whilst it is good to know sucess stories, the reason why people ask is to know if others are experiencing difficulties hence they can make a balanced decision.

            if 100% are happy the decision is easy

            if 99% are happy the decision what to do requires more thought.

            My experience cost me 5 working days, a day or so to break it and to realise the implications, and 4 days of moping up. It also means the site I was working has gone into the red cost wise, it also means I am holding back on all v8 work until V8 stablises again.

            With the help of Actinic support I got v8.5 re-installed, if i choose to I could have tried to re-upgrade the sites that failed. However I prefer not to potentially waste another few days as my spirit is entirely broken. Hence I've rolled back to 8.04 and like Bentley- bloke I'm waiting for 8.5.1 and then I shall wait another 4 weeks after that.


              if 99% are happy the decision what to do requires more thought
              I agree totally - I had major problems (external designs) which took time to sort but all is ok now.

              If people have 2 PCs then a good idea would be to keep thier 04 site running and upgrade on another PC and only upgrade the main PC when they are happy - belt and braces. I usually jump in at the deep end and crash and burn


                I tried to upload lastnight for the 1st time, and got a major crash - DrWatson - and this was at the checking stage, I sent the snapshot to actinic and they say "nothing wrong - works fine here - suggest you upgrade to 8.5"

                you say you downgraded back to 8.0.4 - is there a problem with this, or is it only the snapshot that dictates this

                I think I read that upgrading to 8.5 is a one way process !

                Why did you need to re-install 8.5 ??


                  Its a long story.... but after i upgraded to 8.5 all my upgrades failed... additionally 8.5 became corrupted on my laptop, My install was corrupt so I couldn't uninstall.

                  I suspected the registry held the resolution so I phoned support, the support call was to get a clean platform, so after many more uninstalls/re-installs/registry edits we got a clean 8.5 install.

                  Being bruised I decided not to proceed with 8.5 since I had a clean 8.5 install I was now able to unistall and re-install 8.04.

                  I had 8.04 snapshots to import.

                  My understanding is that 8.5 changes the database so you can't put 8.5 data into pre 8.5.

                  as long as you have 804 snapshots you can remove 8.5 software, revert to 8.04.


                    My understanding is that 8.5 changes the database so you can't put 8.5 data into pre 8.5.
                    I think you are right here jo - I cannot now import any 8.5 snapshots into a 8.04 set-up.


                      another one of those maybe - maybe not cases
                      I just reluctant to upgrade when actinic haven't really proved that an upgrade will fix the problem, especially as other sites in the multi-site happily upload to the web.

                      I've sent another emial to support, and I think I'll wait till morning and see what happens. but at the moment, it looks like I may have little choice to "make that leap of faith"


                        My understanding is that 8.5 changes the database so you can't put 8.5 data into pre 8.5.
                        This is absolutely correct, the changes to the DB to include the shipping enhancements were a major change and hence you cannot import a snapshot from 8.5.0 to 8.0.4 (note the numerical change) but will be able to do so from 8.5.1 to 8.5.0.

                        Kind regards,
                        Bruce King


                          I reported earlier that I had a major crash and it invoked DrWatson.
                          well, I've been playing - I'm not yet ready for the upgrade and needed to remain on the same version (8.0.4) - it seems I have problems with duplicates in ONE section - I have other duplicates in other sections, they don't give hassle . In this one section, turn the duplicates off (do not purge) crashes go away, turn them back on (any duplicate) and the crashes return.
                          It took me a while to see what was going on, in my case, I was uploading the pages to the web and it crashed partway through.
                          I managed to track it down by:
                          • kicking off the upload
                          • IMMEDIATELY dragging the "progress window" to the corner of the screen - this prevented the crash-error-message from obsuring the progress window - this was the first important bit of trying to see where the probs were becuse unitl then, the dr-watson message obscured the progress window.
                          • letting it crash - observe the "last item being checked / validated / etc" thats being written to the progress window

                          this was where it started.
                          for me a certain section caused me headaches - hiding it from the web, the problem went away - unhide it from the web - crash
                          unhide the section and then hide all the duplicates (by temporarily deleting them) - crash went away
                          I havn't got to the bottom of the problem, but for me, I want to stay on 8.0.4 - for me, a workaround could be - delete all duplicates and re-add them or possibley re-create the section completly

