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bug ? - 8.0.4 - components showing in the cart

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    bug ? - 8.0.4 - components showing in the cart

    Can some one please check the following for me please - I think it may be a bug, but I've also raised another thread with optional components so I'm not sure if the layout is 100% (I don't think I've changed it).
    • Create a new product
    • add a component (called "please choose" - html name= "WHAT CHOICE" - not the different words and uppercase/lowercase variation in the component so you can clearly see which version is used in what situation.
    • Add a simple set of choices - doesn't matter what they are called:
    • generate and load to the web so that you can actually place an order.

    Now choose the product, and a choice and add-to-cart
    the layout on the main product page clearly shows the html-name="WHAT CHOICE" but when you view the cart, you see the Component NAME = "please choose"

    I think that the layout incorrectly displays the component NAME not the HTML NAME within the cart layout.

    My guess is that the problem may not be noticed often because the html-name defaults to the component-name

    any feedback please

    I've been experimenting overnight and can easily reproduce the bug as described above.

    I created a brand new site taking ALL layouts as the defaulted layouts issued by actinic
    • Created a new test product
    • new component - component name in LOWER case, html name in UPPERCASE
    • new attribute - again attribute name in LOWER case, html name in UPPERCASE
    • new choice - again choice name in LOWER case, html name in UPPERCASE
    • new choice - again choice name in LOWER case, html name in UPPERCASE
    • then created another attribute, and choices, in all cases name in lowercase, html in uper case
    • created the normal permutations and pricing and uploaded to the test area.

    • the screen listing the product displays correctly (all in UPPER case)
    • the cart entries (and I assume emails etc - but havn't checked) all appear in the LOWER case entries - these are ONLY present in the component/attribute/choice names and NOT the HTML names

    The work around is - for now make the HTML Name the SAME as the component/attribute/choice names - alternatively you need to change the layouts everywhere.

    I've attached a pic of the results.

    Chris - this needs to be reported to development.
    Attached Files



      This has worked in the same fashion for earlier versions too. In the checkout area the <HTML> display is not used as the descriptions in the cart are generated by the scripts and here it is looking for the component / attribute / choice name value rather than the <HTML> display alternative. I guess using the same values for the 'Name' and 'HTML for Name' is the only option if you want to display both the same, else you will have to make the change in the script.

      Kind regards,
      Bruce King


        are you now saying that the HTML version is NOT used in the cart, its always worked that way, so its not a bug.

        Which script is controlling this - I assume its one of the Perl scripts - if so - not good news - they are not so easy to adapt.

        surely the script should be displaying the html name - after all, thats why you've called it "html name"

