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Invalid signature

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    Invalid signature


    Since we've uploaded the new site when we've had an order we download them but have a message that reads:Invalid signature, it is however still letting us download them but staying as 'Waiting for CC details'
    I have checked protx vsp admin and everything on the orders looks fine, all successful.

    I still have V6 on my computer.
    Is there something Im doing wrong, should I have added anything anywhere to the new site?

    I realise there has already been a post similar to this recently but they were not able to download the orders whereas I am??

    Any ideas?


    The Invalid Signature error always means that the Secret Key is wrong. Check in the 'Settings | Business Settings | Payment & Security tab | Configure Method button' that you have entered it correctly (it is case sensitive) and update your site and try a test order. If you still get the error then you would need to check with Protx to ensure that what you have is the same as they have entered on their server.


      Hi Tracey

      Thank you, it was the secret key, its amazing how many times you can type something in and are convinced its correct only to eventually see its wrong!

      Panic over...for now!


        Originally posted by TraceyG
        The Invalid Signature error always means that the Secret Key is wrong.
        While this is almost certainly true, there are instances where entering the secret key as supplied by Protx will still result in an Invalid Signature.

        After a few emails to them, they sent me the following response:

        Ok, we may have found the issue. I have refreshed your account, can you please test a payment again and see if it has rectified the issue.
        So, if you've checked it 3 times and you're certain it's correct, send them an email...

