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Displaying items together from different groups

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    Displaying items together from different groups

    Ok, will try and write this as simple as possible ( I can imagine it getting quite waffly)

    Basically I'm using Actinic to create a Tent site. There are 2 brands in the website and its currently set-up (and working very nicely) as 2 seperate groups in the Catalogue (one per brand) with sub groups within splitting the tents into 2 man, 3-5 man etc etc.

    Now is it possible to to have some links on the Homepage that say 2 man tents, 3-5 tents, 6 - 8 man tents etc that will then list all of the tents that are that size (which ever brand they are).

    I'm aware I can restructure the catalogue in order to achive this however, i'll only have the problem then of not being able to list tents of a specific brand.

    To sum up, i'm after both functionalities rather than one or the other....

    Anyone got any ideas?

    Instead of restructuring you can create a new empty structure, then copy the appropriate product in as Duplicates.

    Look in Actinic / Help / Contents / Product / Duplicating Products for an overview.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Awesome thats spot on... Thankyou :-)

