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Custom Nav Bar

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    Custom Nav Bar

    If I want to have a custom nav bar, is there a way to pull page titles and page urls out individually? For example, instead of the Home | Sitemap | blah... default bar, I want one that picks out some specific brochure pages e.g. Home | About Us | Contact Us etc. without showing all the pages.

    If I edit the standard nav bar I can manually do:
    <a href="aboutus.htm">About Us</a>

    But is there a way to do:

    <a href="autolink-to-aboutus.htm">Auto-Page-Title-About-Us</a>

    Or am I coming at this from the wrong angle? Or maybe I should just stick with manual as that works...

    It's always best to keep things simple - if you want to perhaps remove some of the links you don't want - then go to the design tab and click on your navigation - you will then see the layout code in detail in the code window -you can delete the bits you don't want.


      Yeah, that's what I'm doing - just wondered if I was missing a trick somewhere Actinic's all new to me and I've kind of thrown myself in at the deep end!


        if you type the following in, you can see the various results of actinic variables.
            page=:<actinic:variable name="Page" />:<br />
            pagefileextenstion=:<actinic:variable name="PageFileExtension" />:<br />
            pagetitle=:<actinic:variable name="PageTitle" />:<br />
            pagetype=:<actinic:variable name="PageType" />:<br />
        put it to a fragment, include the fragment in the page layout (temporarily) and then preview various pages.
        you then get the various actinic variables you may be able to use to solve your problem.

