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the snapshot retains unwanted links...

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    the snapshot retains unwanted links...

    ... to original files used in the design:

    upon exporting the snapshot i get the error:


    (File ExportFiles.cpp, Line 456) - The file C:\Documents and Settings\VTeCMonKeY\Desktop\PostPack\designfin.htm was not found System error 3 - The system cannot find the path specified.



    This site includes files that are outside the Actinic installation directory.

    On importing the site these files will be delivered to a temporary location within the Actinic installation directory.

    Manual intervention will be required to restore the site after import.

    C:\Documents and Settings\VTeCMonKeY\Desktop\PostPack\designfin.htm

    now that is obviously a reference somewhere in actinic that has remained since the original design linked from dreamweaver (i only did the original design in there then the rest were done from within actinic...)

    how do i remedy this extinct reference?

    If you are not using the layout anymore, delete it from the design library.


      If this is the original outer layout in the design tab navigate to the outer layout, click on "edit layout details" at the bottom and then remove the whole path or absolute path in the "filename of external file".

      This is a royal pain in the V8 designers bum. Hopefully this can be resolved as it prevents snapshots working correctly and if the absolute path is converted to a relative path you lose the 2 way functionality with dreamweaver.

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        ok thanks, at least i know where the reference is now...

        the thing is, i dont require a link at all i'm happy for the design to reside in actinic... but in that dialog it wont let me delete the field... so what do you do?


          but in that dialog it wont let me delete the field... so what do you do?
          Are you talking about the 'Filename of External Field' you get when you click 'Edit Layout Details'?

          It is possible to just the delete the value in there. Actinic shouldn't complain. Then the design will just be held in Actinic rather than looking at the external file.


            Originally posted by cdicken
            Are you talking about the 'Filename of External Field' you get when you click 'Edit Layout Details'?

            It is possible to just the delete the value in there. Actinic shouldn't complain. Then the design will just be held in Actinic rather than looking at the external file.
            thats exactly what i'm talking about, it deletes fine, then i press ok and if i go back into the dialog the local path stuff is back in there again!

            as you can imaging thats quite frustrating... i'm perfectly happy for the deisgn to reside solely in actinic...

            any suggestions how to get it out of that field?


              That's really odd. It should say 'No Layout' in the field once you've deleted the path to the external file. It does on mine.

              I hate to say this, but it looks like someone at Actinic Support will need to look at your snapshot. Could you register an email support question at

              It might also be worth doing a 'Housekeeping | Compact Databases'


                This really is driving me potty now guys.

                Version 8.50 being used.

                After 3 different saves and edits of the same layout, it still refers to the local file rather than the actual position (relative)

                ie H:\LOCALSITU1\Actinic v8\Sites\SITE_NAME\OUTERLAYOUT.html

                instead of OUTERLAYOUT.html

                Steps I have taken are:

                1 Designed layout in DW and saved to SITE 1 FOLDER
                2 Registered each layout
                3 Deleted all reference to the local situ in readiness for snapshot
                4 Removed all other ext layouts from the library

                Now, your would think that would do it? Wrong

                When we export we STILL get the message outside folders, manual intervention needed etc...

                Now heres the confusing issue, when we upload to the client servers

                1 New products are showing on the front page DESPITE being deleted
                2 Old footer links show despite being changed

                This leads me to thinking that old files are not being purged.

                Any thoughts guys?

                I am about to turn my PC into a million pieces....
                Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
                Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting


                  Update to above post:

                  Having purged out the files/folders via ftp I can confirm that the site uploads OK and the new content and layout is effective.

                  However, upon snapshot it STILL reports 1 error for a layout that is NOT EVEN PRESENT, BEING USED OR EXISITS?

                  Hey ho....

                  Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
                  Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting


                    Hi there

                    With regards to the 'OUTERLAYOUT.html' issue, if this is stored within the 'Site1' folder (which it clearly is) then it will not be this file that is causing the warning message. It is probably just a link somewhere in your design that links to a file that exists online, but doesn't exist on your PC. As such, the message can be ignored, and you can tick a box so it doesn't appear again.

                    Having said that, it really should remember when you remove the path to the externally-referenced HTML file. Have you tried deleting the reference altogether and then re-adding back in? If all else fails - a quick database change should do it. Open the ActinicCatalog..mdb database and open the 'DesignObjects' table. Search the entire table for 'OUTERLAYOUT', it should take you to a row containing the details of your external layout, and you will be able to remove the path from there.


                      OK - Edit. I was thinking of a different error message. What's the name of the file that keeps cropping up in a warning at the end of the snapshot? Where does Actinic think it is?


                        The name of the file is an old design we did (feb_shop.html) and it is referencing to it in our H file but we make no reference nor use of it within Act?

                        (File ExportFiles.cpp, Line 456) - The file xxx etc

                        Cheers Chris
                        Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
                        Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting


                          It might be worth searching the 'DesignObjects' table in the 'ActinicCatalog.mdb' database for a reference to this file. Also search the 'UserDefinableProperties' table. See if this turns up anything. If it turns up in the 'UserDefinableProperties' table, just delete the value from the cell. It's safe to do this (but take a backup first!)

