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Adding pages

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    Adding pages

    I know there are similar threads on this but I can't seem to sort out my problem, basically I want to add 2 more pages to the actinic website. Now presuming you can just add a brochure page easily to Actinic under the 'More pages' tree in the design view.

    However my problem is that the Homepage contains some basic intro text and an image, and then under this is the INNERLAYOUT field which contains three best sellers with pictures.

    The problem is that all the predefined pages in the brochure (how to find us, Introduction etc etc etc) all have the text from the Homepage (probably due to it being hard coded in the Homepage). All the other pages therefore contain all this hard coded data (apart from the INNERLAYOUT)

    I'm thinking in order to create any new pages then the content from my Homepage needs to go inside a variable of some kind (similar to the INNERLAYOUT). Trouble is if I attempt to copy the Homepage text into innerlayout, it repeats 3 times (due to there being three best sellers products on that page).

    Sorry if thats not very clear, but it must be a common enough problem ( or i'm being a bit dense).

    To some up I need a Homepage that contains content that is ONLY on the Homepage and not the rest of the brochure. I then need to add 2 more pages to the brochure that I can put my own content on...

    As for the page links I intend on putting img src links for them as opposed to adding them to the top nav bar


    Not at a v8 machine at the moment but there is a variable along the lines of "IsHomePage" .. or similar .. which you can add to a block if condition to only display if the page is the home page

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Sounds like you have messed things up by adding your text into the design panel. Text is added to brouchure pages by using fragments.

      I would revert the layouts to standard and start again.


        Sounds complicated... any pointers?

        just had a quick flick through the AUG. Not really messed anything up I don't think, I could just remove the text and image and place into a fragment i'm guessing which will put everything back to normal, just not sure how to use fragments

        Cheers for the rapid replies by the way


          lol, just found an article in the 'Getting started guide', will have a read


            going back to what was said earlier about me messing things up, what does it mean if when a new fragment is created, it already contains all of the code from the Homepage design and therefore anything modified in this fragment will modify the Homepage etc?


              It means that you have incorrectly included the text into the code rather than the fragment itself as Malcolm mentioned earlier.


                'Getting started guide', will have a read
                Put actinic back to square one and read the manual then do the tutorial.

