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Change to actinic.css not propagating through

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    Thanks ever so Jont - can you tell me in what directory the actinic.css file lives - I had thought that it was in sitehtml but created a virgin site myself to have a play with and couldn't find it in there - just in the PreviewHtml & Designpreviewhtml

    Ta muchly

    Kathy Newman


      Select it from the drop down list in design view is the best place, doesn't matter where it is then, that links to the master file and that is what you should be working on.


        As Lee says the actinic.css is only available from inside Actinic - this is one of the biggest gripes with Actinic from a CSS point of view - and the reason why I always link to an external CSS and do away with the inbuilt one.

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          Thank You Thank You Thank You. Problem had been I was editing it in DW completely forgetting you could do it in Design View - took 2 seconds and it was done!.

          It now works - though think it's going to take a long time for my lovely long hair to grow back

          Kathy Newman


            Ok I know I'm going to be pushing my luck but ............

            now that I've got it changed from a square - to a disc - can I change the colour of the disc? Tried putting in colour command but that doesn't work....

            Think I need to go buy a CSS book!

            Kathy Newman


              Yep - just change the color at the bottom of the same snippet eg:

              ul.products {
              line-height: normal;
              padding: 0px 0px 0px 1px;
              margin: 3px 0px 4px 15px;
              font-size: 11px;
              list-style: disc;
              color: green;

              that'll change the colour of the disc only

              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                Originally posted by kathynewman
                Tried putting in colour command but that doesn't work
                Don't forget the internet is American ... need to use "color" not colour

                SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                  Thanks Jont - tried that but doesn't appear to be working - tried:
                  ul {
                  list-style-type: disc;
                  color: green;
                  ul {
                  list-style-type: disc;
                  color: #5DAE25;

                  and neither work - but at least I can change the disc to square or circle or whatever i want now though!

                  Enough for today I think.

                  Kathy Newman


                    Looks like you are changing the wrong part again. Jont's post shows the other styles included in the class, are you adding the new color to this class or creating a new class?


                      Thanks Lee I was editing it in the wrong place - confused by the fact that I could change the style type there from circle to square and it worked!

                      If you or Jont have any pets let me know be happy to send them something as a thank you - you don't know how much your help today has been appreciated.

                      Off to buy a new CSS book I think now.

                      Kathy Newman


                        Four cats and a terrapin here, Jont just has goats lol.

                        Do the online video tutorials Kathy, they are fantastic, watch in real time as they create styles and see what they do. A fantastic way of learning, would recommend them to everyone.


                          The "C" in CSS is "cascade" ... which refers to the way code is inherited and takes precedence due to specificity (importance) and the closer to the finished object that is presented to the screen.

                          In the case of the <ul> changing this code will affect all instances of that tag. In the case of the left navigation there is a class in there ... this affects the cascade (it is closer to the text being displayed) so overrides any setting declared in the master <ul> eg:

                          ul {
                          font-size: 12px;
                          color: red;

                          ul.products {
                          color: green;

                          the class .products will use the green colour but still use the same font size.

                          Clear as mud hey?

                          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

