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Multiple Fragments

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    Multiple Fragments

    What I'm trying to do is put one fragment above my section links and one fragment below them. Last year Chris Dicken gave me some instructions on how to do this. I've only just got around to trying it and it didn't work - I'm wondering if I'm missing one or two details in the instructions? Chris's instructions were:

    1.Go to 'Design | Library | Variables' and create a new variable called 'IncludeInFragmentList'

    2.Make it settable at fragment level

    3.Then go to the 'Layouts' tab and expand the 'Fragment Lists' group

    4.Right-click on 'Standard Brochure Fragment List' and select 'New Layout'. Call it 'Top Fragment List' or something.

    5.You now have two fragment lists to play with, and you can now set a condition on each list to only include certain fragments in each list.

    6.Set a condition within 'Top Fragment List' to only show fragments where 'IncludeInFragmentList' equals 'top'

    7.Set a condition within 'Standard Brochure Fragment List' to only show fragments where 'IncludeInFragmentList' equals 'bottom'

    8.You can now go into the fragments in your store and set a value for 'IncludeInFragmentList' of 'Top' or 'Bottom' depending on where you want to fragments to appear on the page.

    9.Finally, customise 'Standard Brochure Page Bulk' and click the pink circle button with a + to insert the 'BrochureFragmentList' layout selector into the design - but use a fixed layout of 'Top Fragment List'

    10.This will include a list of fragments into the design - but only include the layouts where 'IncludeInFragmentList' equals 'top'

    To create two different product lists - one which just does products and one which just does fragments - is easy. Simply go into the 'Product Lists' group in the library and right-click on 'Standard Product Lists' and select 'New Layout'. Call it 'Standard Fragment List'. Now edit 'Standard Fragment List' to remove all references to the 'ProductLayout' selector, and edit 'Standard Product List' to remove all references to the 'FragmentLayout' selector.

    You can then just insert them into your 'Main Product Area' layout (whatever that is called) where you want the lists to appear
    Original thread:

    Can anyone help please?
    Actinic Web Design | Actinic Templates


    Can you specify where you are struggling, as I've just tried it and it works fine.


      Hi Tracey,

      I'm struggling with this bit:

      8.You can now go into the fragments in your store and set a value for 'IncludeInFragmentList' of 'Top' or 'Bottom' depending on where you want to fragments to appear on the page.
      Do I have to set these values (top and bottom) in the variable IncludeInFragmentList? Presumably I have to specify on the Properties tab for each fragment whether it should be top or bottom?
      Actinic Web Design | Actinic Templates



        Do I have to set these values (top and bottom) in the variable IncludeInFragmentList? Presumably I have to specify on the Properties tab for each fragment whether it should be top or bottom?
        That's right, that way it knows where you want it to appear on the page. Have you created the conditions as per points 6 and 7?


          Hi Tracey,

          yes I have created the conditions and I have set values in the variable for 'top' and 'bottom' as a list of choices - is that right?

          Maybe I am confusing the issue slightly... my original question to Chris last year was to be able to do this on the home page, bit what I am trying to do now is do this on the section pages. I have tried applying the same logic to the section page layout but still can't get it to work.

          Actinic Web Design | Actinic Templates


            Ok I've got this working on the home page now... making progress. Just need to do the same for the section pages.
            Actinic Web Design | Actinic Templates



              To create two different product lists - one which just does products and one which just does fragments - is easy. Simply go into the 'Product Lists' group in the library and right-click on 'Standard Product Lists' and select 'New Layout'. Call it 'Standard Fragment List'. Now edit 'Standard Fragment List' to remove all references to the 'ProductLayout' selector, and edit 'Standard Product List' to remove all references to the 'FragmentLayout' selector.

              You can then just insert them into your 'Main Product Area' layout (whatever that is called) where you want the lists to appear
              Did you follow this bit? This would allow you to separate the fragments from the products, but if you want a top and bottom fragment list as per the brochure pages, then you would create two 'fragment lists' (ie 'Standard Fragment List Top' and 'Standard Fragment List Bottom') and then put the conditions in as per the previous instructions.


                Hi Tracey,

                I've got it sorted now. Thank You for your help.

                Actinic Web Design | Actinic Templates


                  Placement of Fragments


                  I have upgraded from V7 to V8.

                  I have hundereds of fragments throughout my store containing extra product info, images, etc.

                  These were interspersed between products, very specifically placed.

                  Now I find that they are all showing at the top of the page. I can see from this thread that I can set them to be at the top or bottom of the page, but I actually want them where I ahd placed them before!

                  Any ideas?
                  Card Making & Craft Materials


                    Hi Amanda,

                    do you know how this was achieved with your V7 site?

                    What you could do is create multiple layouts for your products and fragments and insert the fragment layouts in between the product layouts in the overall page layout. So you could have:

                    Product 1 (using product layout1)
                    Fragment1 (using fragment layout1)
                    Product2 (using product layout2)
                    Fragment 2 (using fragment layout2)

                    In the code for the overall page layout it would look like:

                    Product Layout 1
                    Fragment Layout 1
                    Product Layout 2
                    Fragment Layout 2
                    Actinic Web Design | Actinic Templates

