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Coupon Usage

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    Coupon Usage

    Hi I'm currently evaluating actinic

    Not getting my head around the coupons

    I want to give out coupon codes for a 10% discount on all goods
    this is to be available for all customers to use only once

    can not see how to set this up

    Do any of threads found when you search the forum offer any help or are you still stuck?


      this is to be available for all customers to use only once
      This is not possible with Actinic.


        on a similar tack can anyone tell me if a basic coupon code (10% off for example) will work with Actinic Catalog Client ?
        Richard Gosler
        Phoenix Digital Media Ltd
        Dorset, UK


          Originally posted by RuralWeb
          This is not possible with Actinic.
          Thats a shame, I using this on my , joomla site and what to bring the functionality across as I could with

          most of my business is based around discounts where I give away one off discounts on mass.

          I find that a lot of people throw coupons away if they are date bound as they know they will not have the time to use it. However if its date free they will keep it and look at it again even three months later. That coupons been in the back of their mind, they will dig it out first when they want to buy.

          I'm finding if I say here's a coupon but you must use it now (ie before a date) they dont want to know. I'm trying to force them into something there dont want.
          However, If I say heres a coupon keep it and use it whenever you may need it, they hang onto it, and keep it.



            coupons one offs

            Is there any way or a site that does be spoke work
            where I could have this coded and added



              From what i have read over the years Colin, this is something that a lot of people would like, if you or anyone you employ manages to do it, they should make a small fortune selling it on.

