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V8 Upgrade Assistance

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    V8 Upgrade Assistance

    Is there anyone on the forum that can quote me for upgrading my site?

    I basically want my site to look like it does now as it already includes most of the functions offered by V8. I just don't want to be using an old version of Actinic.

    My current site is V7 and has many modifications and ad ons. It uses a thumbnail layouts linking to single products per page. Add ons include menu images, dynamic images of colour options, other customers also purchased these items and cart images. (Norman from Drillpine has confirmed that I need to make changes to the dynamic images and menu images.)

    I have tried upgrading but only the colours on the sample site changed. During the upgrade Actinic identified perl script files and 7 template files that were not compatible.

    Thank you

    Stardust Funky Kids T-Shirts

    Actinic does a grand job of upgrading v7 sites. When it finds something out of the ordinary it replaces these with a default layout (template of old). If you have the original v7 templates you can usually simply copy and paste the old code back into the replace v8 layout. The navigation bar is a prime candidate for resetting back to v8 default.

    Colours can be rectified in one of 2 ways ... in the theme > advanced configuration menu inside Actinic or to load back your v7 actinic.css into the v8 stylesheet if you have manually entered colours here and not let Actinic handle them.

    The script changes are due to the various mods you have installed at some point .. eg dynamic images. Again Actinic spots these are changed and installs a known working copy. I think Norman has v8 flavours of most of his v7 goodies which you will probably need to upgrade to as they may not work in v7 (he is the man in the know)

    When you install your v7 snapshot into v8 you also get 3 options for upgrading. Selecting don't change my theme (or words to that effect) is probably the best route if you are keeping the same layout, feel etc as per your v7 site. I have just done this with a v7 site and for the most part did a very good job of upgrading BUT be warned that installing new elements such as best sellers etc can result in tabled code being added which can break your existing site (3 days removing nested tables is great for the sanity)

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

