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After adding to basket - return page

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    After adding to basket - return page


    I'm not sure how feasible this may be - but someone may be able to help...

    I am using a design that has summary product details with no add to basket. The extended info page has all the options and add to basket. This page opens in the same window.

    Once you add something to the basket from this extended info page - Is it possible for Actinic to return to the main product page rather than the extended info page.

    Thanks in anticipation

    Alec Moss
    Business Webpage Ltd
    Web Design
    Starter Websites

    Actinic is designed to return to the last page where the user interacted with it and that is logical although a pain at times. Is there any particular reason why you have the extended info with the add to cart buttons? Could you not remove the extended info pages and have the add to cart on the main pages. The benefits of this method for seo have been discussed many times on the forum. If this is not an option, getting actinic to return to the parent page could be a problem and would probably need some script changing, if indeed it could be done.



      Hi Lee,

      Thanks for your reply.

      The reason is that we are using the product page to show basic details for all products in that specific section - many products per page.

      Then the extended info page, set to open in the same window - is used to do the actual buying. This seemed the best way to go in terms of a logical shopping mode - but has thrown up this issue when returning to the catalogue after adding something to the basket.

      Alec Moss
      Business Webpage Ltd
      Web Design
      Starter Websites


        Hi Alec

        I am not aware of any simple way in which you can do this then i'm afraid. I think it would be possible through a script change, however you would need to employ a guru to do it for you. Norm at drillpine would be my first port of call, maybe worth dropping him an email asking can it be done and for how much.

        Is there any way that you can slim down the number of products in sections, although a lot of work, i'm sure you would end up with pages better for seo. Whatever you do here, seems like it's not going to be easy.

        Hopefully somebody has achieved this and can offer some more help. It may be worth scouring some actinic sites for 10 or 20 minutes, see if anyone has done this.


          Then the extended info page, set to open in the same window - is used to do the actual buying.
          I agree with Lee - if you do a search then there are a few other options for doing this which do not use the ext info pages and allow you to buy on every page.

