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Problem with Discounts

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    Problem with Discounts

    I want to run 2 discounts on our site.

    Discount A - spend over £x amount and get free Gift
    Discount B - Buy 3 of a particular product range and get cheapest free

    Both of these are fine - however I am having problems getting them to work together.

    Have set up 2 product groups -
    Group 1 for all products - excluding those in the Discount B offer
    Group 2 just for products applicable to the Discount B offer.

    What I want is for customers to be able to take advantage of both offers.

    Having read another thread it appears I have to set up a 3rd discount - spend over £x and get free product and apply this to Product Group 2.

    This seems ok - however the messages are confusing when you add a product to the basket as you get 3 offer messages - when a customer adds a product for say £10 to the basket and 1 of the buy 3 products then the message they get is:

    Get a Free Gift for orders over £25.00 product free by spending £3.25 more on Offer 1 products.
    Get the cheapest Offer 2 product free by buying 2 more.
    Get a Offer 2 product free to spend £22.45 more.

    Is there anyway of doing this so the message only appears twice rather than the 3 times?

    If anyone has a look the buy 3 get cheapest free is set up on Petstages cat and dog toys.


    Kathy Newman

    Hi Kathy,

    I'm not sure why you need to add 3 discounts when you only want two.

    I've just added two discounts - 'buy 3 and get the cheapest free' and 'spend £5 and get a free product'. I then only get two messages in the cart and I can claim both discounts if I add the right products.

    Is there anyway of doing this so the message only appears twice rather than the 3 times?
    It's appearing three times because you have three discounts. What is the problem you are having with only two discounts set up?


      Thanks for that Tracey - problem that is arising is that if you add 3 products to the basket which qualify for the cheapest free it works fine - however what I would expect to see is if those products total £25 or more then to get a message saying Get Free gift or if under £25 a message saying Spend £x more and get free gift.

      At the moment the offers are mutually exclusive and I want them to be inclusive so value of the 3 for 2 is used towards the spend £25 and get free gift.

      That was reason I added a 3rd group which was spend £25 and get free gift and allocated it to the product group which contained products valid for the 3 for 2

      Hope this makes sense - both offers are currently set up on website.


      Kathy Newman


        Hi Kathy,

        I can see the problem now. I don't think it is possible to do what you want because the three discounts work independently. I will ask our development team for you but I think it would be a big change to perl scripts. What you really need is for a product to be a part of more than one group, however, this also throws up problems (which discount do you apply if you only want one discount to apply per order?)


          Thanks Tracey - will have to have a rethink this end! However just looked at another thread

          which seems to imply you can do this - just need to try and work out how!

          Kathy Newman


            Hi Kathy,

            The development team have confirmed that this isn't possible at the moment. I have added your vote to the wishlist for a product to be included in more than one product group.

            Looking at the other thread you mention, the first person's discount setup mentioned is slightly different to yours and I think the second person's setup should get the same problem as you are having (although he hasn't replied to say it works or not).

