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adding fonts

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    adding fonts

    Is it possible to add new fonts to a store design? I have 4 standard font availiable (Arial, Times, etc) but wish to add more.

    If I can add fonts where do I put them i.e which folder?


    Hi Gareth
    Whilst you can use various fonts in your web design, you don't actually add the fonts themselves (there is a way to embed actual fonts, but I wouldn't go down that route).

    To use fonts, you apply font-family names to the elements you wish to style, in the css.

    font-family: arial, "lucida console", sans-serif

    To add or change the stores default fonts, see Settings | Site Options, and scroll through to find the fonts settings.

    You should always keep in mind that whilst you may have a particular font on your PC, which will display fine both in preview, and when you view the site on your own PC, if that same font is not on your end users machine, they will not see it, and it will revert to a default font.

    It is for this reason that the usual practice is to stick to commonly available fonts, and to use font-family lists, so that if the first font listed is not available to the user, they see the second, third...

    TIP: Don't try to be too clever with, or use too may different fonts on a page. It will make the page look both off putting and possibly amateurish.


      When V8 was in Beta testing it did have a wide range of fonts available but several beta testers, including me, requested that they be removed except for the default font set installed on all PCs for the reasons described above.


        Hi Gareth,

        Just to add to Martin's answer, you can specify a font preferential order i.e. if their machine does not display font X then try font Y

        font-family:Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif

        Also, "commonly available fonts" does also depend on operating system and software installed on that system.
        e.g. Windows XP/Vista has standard fonts installed. MS Office adds several more. Macs have a slightly different set of commonly installed fonts.

        You can see this by viewing this page
        Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
        Ecommerce Digital Marketing

        SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

        SellerDeck Hosting
        SellerDeck Digital Marketing


          Originally posted by RuralWeb
          When V8 was in Beta testing it did have a wide range of fonts available but several beta testers, including me, requested that they be removed except for the default font set installed on all PCs for the reasons described above.
          Yep - I was shouting as well as it was a very dangerous inclusion to list all the fonts installed on the machine.

          If you really need to include a font best to add it in a a GIF image ... there are scripts and tools to force the download of special fonts but getting people to install something just to view your site is asking for the back button to be hit.

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

