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Missing CSS

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    Missing CSS

    I've created a site layout in Dreamweaver, registered the design, changed the CSS to a 'custom.css' file so I can edit in Dreamweaver and it all looks fine when previewing in Actinic, but once uploaded it has lost all the Actinic CSS. However, it does show a class 'imprint' (see footer) that I have added to the custom.css file and works perfectly!

    See here:

    I know it must be something simple ... any help gratefully received, as this is driving me mad


    Seemore Graphics
    solutions for web and print

    The stylesheet is there but the Actinic variables are not being parsed upon upload. The imprint class works as you have hand coded the font family and size ... the other styles still show their Actinic variables prior to parsing which does not translate into a functioning stylesheet.

    The is a current v8 thread about Actinic not updating the external stylesheet that may be worth checking out. A simnple solution would be to do a browser preview of a page from Inside Actinic, preview the stylesheet (a copy will be in the PreviewHTML sub-folder) and copy the contents into your working stylesheet ... this will remove the editability of changing the fonts, sizes and colours etc inside Actinic but this is probably best forsaken to be able to handle the stylesheet externally in DW

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Thank you Jonty

      It worked a treat! I did ask tech support last week and sent them a snapshot, so I guess it is an unusual problem with Actinic not parsing the info in the style sheet.
      Seemore Graphics
      solutions for web and print

