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Top Product(s) Association - can be done?

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    Top Product(s) Association - can be done?

    Hi everyone:

    Can someone help me regarding the following problem:

    If I have two products A and B in a same section with different contents, can I associate product A with product B where B is hidden and has prices + quantity discounts, If a customer buys product A, he must be able to see descritpion of product A but prices of product B?

    I assume it can be done making a choice under product A and associate directly with product B, but any direct association?

    Assad Gilani

    Hi Assad

    The only way to associate a product with another would be through components, or choices created under components. To display the prices from the hidden product, the latter would be a better option.

    If you create a component, and set it to use the Associated Product Price, it will follow the quantity-based price breaks of the hidden product, when the trigger quantity is added to cart.

    If however, you wish to display the different discount prices created under Product B, you will need to create as many choices under the component for Product A and set the prices against each of them.

    Hope this helps. Please let me know if you need clarifications on this.
    Krithika Chandrasekar


    E-commerce software by SellerDeck


      Product Groups and discounts

      Hi Krithika:

      Thanks for your help.

      You are right! There is no other way to do this, I guess.

      So I have left this, and going to try something similar.

      I have about 600 products, I created 12 groups of these products so there are 50 products in each group. Each group has different quantity based discounts.

      I have set up this all, but the problem is I am unable to display discount breakdown in each product, on product description page.

      I have been struggling but could not find any source.

      Hope someone helps.

      Assad Gilani



        Just a quick check. Can you make sure the Presentation tab for Cart Contents discount has the discount message in it? If not, you can enter your custom discount message in the Description for Product box, using the GROUPLINK or PRODUCTLINK placeholders.

        Hope this helps.
        Krithika Chandrasekar


        E-commerce software by SellerDeck


          so whats about %age discounts?

          Hi Krithika:

          Yes, this really worked fine!! thanks.

          My next and may be last problem is that I have 12 groups for 600 products, each group has got 50 products in it.
          I am offering 3 quantity based discounts as follows:-

          quantity 1 to 4 = no discount
          quantity 5 to 9 = 5% discount on total amount
          quantity 10 to 24 = 10% discount on total amount
          quantity 25+ = 15% discount on total amount

          on each groups. My cart is calculating only first discount level which is 5%, not 10% or 15% i.e. if someone buy 35 items, it still calculates 5% only, It must offer 15% discount.

          What should I do now?

          Assad Gilani


            Hi Assad

            With the current set-up, when the quantity trigger of 5 is reached, Actinic stops looking for any further discounts. This will work correctly, if you reverse the order of the discounts, i.e, make the 15% the first discount and the 5% the last (using the arrows given).

            Once done, Actinic will now start validating the triggers from the higher end and the moment it reaches the applicable trigger, it will apply the relevant discount.

            Hope this helps.
            Krithika Chandrasekar


            E-commerce software by SellerDeck


              At last we cracked it


              Brilliant, this worked fine.

              I appriciate your time and help which solved my problems.


              Assad Gilani

