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Alternative text for an image

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    Alternative text for an image

    Hi All,

    First of all sorry but I suspect this is a pretty basic question, I have looked in advanced help and around in this forum but cant find anything to help.

    I would like to put some alternative text on both brouchure and product pages for when an image can't be displayed. i.e a brief description of what was in the photo. Is there an easy way to do this?

    I am told it is called "alternative text" but I cant find it in the help.

    Thanks for any advice given


    The alt="" text is added to the images by default ... in design tab mode click on a product image to see the layout and you will see the alt=" ...." code in there. The is the product name by default... you could probably set the product description in there (not tested)

    You can change this to use say a user defined variable to allow you to insert your own text if set against the product.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      As Jonty's ears pricked up - did someone mention alt-text?!


        Steve, are you using Firefox rather than IE? If so you won't see the alt text that's already there as Firefox is too strict and insists on only displaying TITLE taglets.

        The strict definition of ALT is that it's for use when the image can't be displayed. TITLE is the correct tag to use but nearly every site designer uses ALT. The best design would be to use both.

        The easy fix would be to edit the assorted image Layouts, look for the ALT="<whatever"> and add in TITLE="<whatever>".
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

