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Export of map fields

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    Export of map fields

    hi there i am playing about iwht mapping a flat file spread sheet

    i have th basics covered, as in making sections and images etc

    But i was wondering if there was a way of exporting the map fields so i can at a glance see which coloums of my sheets ive mapped to which in actinic

    as i have a few suppliers most of the sheets have some kind of difference to them so it would be handy

    any clues people

    Also does anyone know how to create attributes and choices in a flat file to import

    i dont want to use the froggle export as im happier with coloums etc just now

    maybe later

    thanks again
    Remembering the road to Actinic enlightenment is a long and sometimes painful one.
    Current project:
    Something for the Missus,Something for the Weekend

    You could always manually add a few products into actinic and then export them, which would show you the format to adopt. Copy this format, add to it and then import it back into actinic.


      yeah tried that

      i just didnt like the format as it seemed to go side to side

      i like up and down

      BTW i still got your quote here fella thanks again, just with so many products i was trying to get there myself

      i may just resort to a simple write it down approach, as once its in i suppose i can drag and drop things about

      Remembering the road to Actinic enlightenment is a long and sometimes painful one.
      Current project:
      Something for the Missus,Something for the Weekend


        To see a list of the mapping fields available, you could always take a couple of screenshots half way through a dummy import. This would then show you all of the fields available. I prefer doing a simple import and then amending within actinic or doing the full hierarchical import, i haven't found a successful middle ground.

        BTW - i was unaware that i hade sent you a quote? You may have me mixed up with someone else or do i know you as someone different.


          yeah sorry you may know me as Gareth

          was a hustler spreadsheet i sent you

          prefer doing a simple import -- going to try this now
          the full hierarchical import -- seems a bit problematic for all the sizes and colours etc.

          and ive yet to figure out the choicea attributes yet, so may get it all in then just copy and paste prob far easier
          Remembering the road to Actinic enlightenment is a long and sometimes painful one.
          Current project:

          Something for the Missus,Something for the Weekend


            Ah with you know, your emails come from the name "info", so i was having a blonde moment


              right tried that export

              and copy paste, it wont import back

              keeps asking to map it, but it exported it in its own format so surely it should just take it back?

              confused now
              Remembering the road to Actinic enlightenment is a long and sometimes painful one.
              Current project:
              Something for the Missus,Something for the Weekend



                That is because of a known bug in Excel that leaves the last column without blank values. Enter a value of '0' for the last column so that the values are present and then try the import.

                You will not be able to import 'Components', 'Attribute's' or 'Choices' with a flat file import, you will have to use the hierarchical format, the one that you exported from Actinic.

                Kind regards,
                Bruce King

