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Extended Info - Page not found - When searched

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    Extended Info - Page not found - When searched

    Just gone live with my new V8 site and thought all was well. But....

    Extended info popups work OK in normal use but if you search for a product using the normal search function, then find the product through that route when you try to go to the extended info popup you get "page not found" in the popup window.

    You can see the error on the live website.

    Search for any product, navigate to it, then click on the image for the extended info.

    Thanks for any help!
    Mark Lowery

    24 hours on and still trying to fix this. I'm wondering if its something to do with relative links.

    When the normal popup runs the calling catalog page is in the /acatalog/ directory therefore the popup just calls the full page name without a full url as its in the same directory this relative linking works ok.

    When called from a search page the calling page in now a long /cgi-bin/ directory and it looks like its still using a relative url, but of course the popup is not in the /cgi-bin/ so it doesnt find it.

    should the search results type pages therefore have the full url coded into the link text?

    Does anyone else have a live v8 site with popups I can have a look at to see how their links work?

    Mark Lowery



      This should work by default. Have you made any changes to 'Design | Text | Phase -1, ID 2175', or the 'Standard Product Image' layout or the 'Base Href' layout?


        Hi Tracey,

        You might have the answer there. I changed ID 2175 to the following:-

        %s" onclick="ShowPopUp(this.href,%s,%s);return false;

        This was to allow search engines to see my popup pages, I picked it up on one of the other forum threads. Is there another version that would would work with the searched results page?


        Mark Lowery


          Hi Mark,

          I'm not sure if this would work you could try changing:

          %s" onclick="ShowPopUp(this.href,%s,%s);return false;


" onclick="ShowPopUp(this.href,%s,%s);return false;

          I think the first %s is bringing in the page name, so if you show the full URL in front of it, it may force it to look in the 'acatalog' folder. Just a thought.

          If this doesn't work then I can't suggest anything other than reverting any changes you made back to defaults.


            Hi Tracey,

            I see your thinking, but it didnt work. It just seems to ignore it.

            I think the change would need to be where I've put the stars in the following

  " onclick="ShowPopUp(***this.href,%s,%s);return false;

            But my Javascript isnt good enough to say how best to write it.

            Any ideas?


            Mark Lowery


              This was to allow search engines to see my popup pages
              This something which I would not suggest doing for several reasons.


                Hi Malcolm,

                What would the reasons be?

                I've had these popups for ages with my V7 site and I have had excelent google results. In fact I've been amazed at how successful they have been for me. I've had countless number one rankings and my strategy for SEO has worked a treat for me. I really want to continue with it and my popups are a key ingredient in it.

                I just need to figure out how to parse the correct url when the popup is called from search results. Or in other words how to pass the full url to the popup box, not just the relative url.

                Or is there another way to make the popups search engine friendly?

                Mark Lowery


                  Just my thoughts...

                  Personally I think a single product per section is better with cut down duplicates grouped in parent sections. Why hide the detail and make life difficult for the SEs. I think it also channels customers into purchasing. It also doesn't rely on js and pop-ups. Landing on a pop up page from a search is also not ideal - so you have to put another link to the main product page anyway.


                    Thanks Duncan saved me some typing.


                      Originally posted by drounding
                      Landing on a pop up page from a search is also not ideal - so you have to put another link to the main product page anyway.
                      100% agree also, the fact that a user can land on a popup page without any site navigation should be more than enough reason to never do it. I hate popups, the only thing a user should ever click for, once they have hit your product page, is a larger image IMO.

                      The popups on your site are also too small, forcing a user to have to size the window or scroll to see the information they have clicked for. If you keep with the popups, then take a look in the AUG for the section on dynamically resizing the popup to fit the contents, this will at least make then as user friendly as possible. Also make sure there is a link to the home page, without it, you will be limiting a large proportion of people landing on your site via a search engine, to see only one of your products.

                      The single most important factor you should take into consideration when looking at popups is this:

                      If users like popups, why do so many pieces of software block them nowadays? Popups are treated by the same software that blocks adaware, spyware and viruses. It's hardly a glowing report.


                        Duncan, Lee, Malcolm,

                        Thanks for your replies. I guess you guys dont like popups then!

                        But the position I'm in is this. I currently have a completed solution, that like them or not, is based around using popus. The solution is 1 line of Javascript away from working. Next time I do a major overhaul I'll consider moving to one page per product but my V8 upgrade has taken so much time to complete I cant consider it at this time.

                        Do any of you have any ideas on how to make the revised ID 2175 that was written in another post by Norman Rouxel, I think, work if the product is found in search results. It looks to me that it just requires to be a fully qualified domain name instead of the relative one. IE instead of just popup1.html.

                        Or to put it another way.... how do I change :-

                        %s" onclick="ShowPopUp(this.href,%s,%s);return false;

                        to send the full url to the popup window?

                        Thanks again,
                        Mark Lowery


                          js is not my cup-a-tea but how about trying:

                          %s" onclick="ShowPopUp(,%s,%s);return false;

