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Paypal Integration Issue

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    Paypal Integration Issue

    I have just about finished my site using catalog
    Put in paypal website payments as payment option to try it out (who knows I might get a customer!-).
    Tried a few friends with various credit cards and paypal accounts but keep getting same problem.
    Site connects to paypal and fills out all the fields, but then gives either a "timeout" error if trying to pay with a paypal account or an "incomplete security measure" error if trying to pay with credit card.
    I managed to get a very good guy at paypal who tested their system as I went through the motions - he claims it works from their perspective, and to prove it he succesfully placed an order.
    Any ideas greatly appreciated ... otherwise I will be sleeping on the couch


    Just tried it here and it all went through fine and dandy

    (order details =>TT112300000041
    Nš de l'objet TT112300000041)

    I did notice a js error on your forwarding page but other than that, no problems.

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      Thanks for this. I saw your order and deleted it (assume you don't want the pique nique stuff!-).

      However, I just ask a friend to sit with me and try to buy and they got the same problem as before.

      How did you manage to pay? Did you actually complete the transaction?


        the solution to my mystery

        for those of you who might hit a similar issue - here is the ending

        after calls to paypal, the blame was put on the actinic code -after checking it I was not convinced of any issue there

        i then checked with 1and1 and somehow it worked for me - as it clearly did for the the kind person who responded above

        in both cases this was because we used

        if one uses it didn't work - the reason being that this site is redirected (to - where the site is actually hosted) and the redirection was configured to do so by frames (and not html). By doing such a redirection the paypal forwarding page appears effectively within a frame, which is a no-no for paypal for security reasons and so aborts the transcation - the timeout!

        All I had to do is change the configuration at 1and1 to be redirection via html and it works fine!

