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Related Products Questions

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    Related Products Questions

    I have finally decided to get to grips with V8 and so far I do prefer it over V7 although I am having trouble on 2 points.

    1) I have implemented Related Products and require this only in the extended information pages and not the brochure pages. Can anyone tell me what I need to edit or turn off so that they no longer show in brochure pages?

    2) When adding related products do I have to cross reference every item, can Actinic realise that I have added item B and C to item A as related products and then automatically add A and C to B and then A and B to C ?

    Many thanks


    Titan Jewellery (Swift Design)
    Zirconium Rings
    Damascus Steel Rings

    1) Related products are added manually in the marketing tab of a product. Are you talking about new products or best sellers?

    2) No. Related products are included manually on the marketing tab. There is not automation in this process.


      I mean where they are shown.

      I have added a few related products and they are showing on the page where the general description is placed. It is this area that I wish to remove it from.

      More can be seen here if you look at the 1st product.
      Problem sorted, URL REMOVED

      Once all related products are added across the site it will look too busy with so many related products on one page. Hence only having them showing on the Extended information pages.

      This is however only on a test server and any hard coded links will link back to the V7 operational site or be broken.


      Titan Jewellery (Swift Design)
      Zirconium Rings
      Damascus Steel Rings


        Well i cannot guarantee it would work as it's something i wouldn't do and have never tried, however if i wanted to try, i would select the related product area in design view and notice how it is included. I would expect a variable. I would then insert this variable into the layout template for the extended info pages and see what happens. If i got what i wanted, i would then comment it out on the product layout.



          I edited the layout and removed the following variables

          [ProductAlsoBoughtList] [ProductRelatedProductsList]

          I removed the Product also bought as I don't want this showing either.

          Many thanks Lee


          Titan Jewellery (Swift Design)
          Zirconium Rings
          Damascus Steel Rings

