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Some Bugs

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    Some Bugs

    I have found a slightly annoying and very annoy bug.

    Both are to do with Actinic not refreshing/updating product web page correctly, the only way to correct this currently, is by close Actinic and then reopen it. So definitley buggy.

    First the slighty annoying bug, when "Design/Design Option" you change radio selection from "Quantity on Product Page" to "Quantity in Shopping Cart" or vise versa. press ok or apply. Then refresh F5. The Quantity doesn't dissappear or reappear in product layout. Traced it to variable "ShoppingModeQuantityPlacement" not change value.
    (this bug is on v8 and v8.5)

    Also I noticed the Section/sub-section "page settings" Shopping mode is stuck on a greyed out "Quantity on Product Page" radio button (Using Parent Settings), doesn't matter what "ShoppingModeQuantityPlacement" is really in use. I had to add product layout <p>ShoppingModeQuantityPlacement</p> to see what real value was.

    The annoying bug happens when using a External linked Access database, which links to "Suppress HTML" (HideonWebSite). The link works fine, but the autogenerated product pages doesn't, they stick on what ever they currently are. So they either stay hidden or Shown on Preview and Website. Only tried this on v8.5. As stated above if I close Actinic and it sorts it correctly when restarted.

    Is there any chance of a fix soon?



    I will run this past development but it does look like a bug. Will keep you updated. A temporary workaround will be to change tabs, say move from the Design to the Content tab and back or vice versa and the change would show, much easier than having to restart the software.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King



      Development have confirmed both issues as bugs, these will be fixed in a future maintenance release.

      The second issue with the external linking can only be sorted as you say by closing and reopening Actinic.

      Kind regards,
      Bruce King



        Another little user interface problem. Goto Design / Library
        in Layouts, Variable or Conditions.
        Click on Layer Type "Checkout Prompt" then select a Layout "Payment User Definable Field", now if you double click anywhere in the white space of the Layouts box it opens, it doesn't work if layer Type is selected.

        Now if you double click next to "Receipt Date" in white space between two longer layer titles, you think you were opening "Receipt Date" but instead it opens what ever was last selected (unless it was a Layer type/Group Header).

        Can you add "the remove of double click in whitespace in design library" to the wishlist. It would be more consistent and user friendly.

        I have quite a few time been editing Layer code only to find it wasn't the code I thought I double click on. Atleast I now know, after investigating, to be carefull where I double click now(text).


