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problem to display pound symbol

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    problem to display pound symbol

    I have had some problem with displaying the pound symbol £ on my website. I noticed the £ symbol was generated and displayed in Western European encoding in Actinic. However, most of the default encoding of browsers including myself is Unicode. Therefore I always see a square box or a question mark instead of £.

    Someone suggested me to get rid of the charset meta tag so that the browser could choose the encoding itself, I tried but this didn't solve the problem. Anyone have any suggestions please?

    Thanks a lot.

    Whats the declaration at the top of the page say? I would check but no url provided.


      This has been discussed before so a forum search may help - I have had the issue before and it was down to incorrect server settings.


        I found a post here and Bruce pointed out a Knowledge Base article would be helpful

        It says
        The problem is that your webserver is using 'Unicode' (UTF) as the default character set, but it should be using ISO. You need to ask your web host to edit the web server config file for your Apache server and change:

        AddDefaultCharset UTF8


        AddDefaultCharset ISO-8859-1
        However, I don't really want to change the config file of my Apache server to ISO-8859-1 because this will affect the other sites on the server which use UTF8. Instead, can I let Actinic generate and display the pound symbol in UTF8? How do I do that?

        Thanks a lot


          Originally posted by leehack
          Whats the declaration at the top of the page say? I would check but no url provided.
          My website URL:
          By the way, the pound symbol displays fine when I preview the site offline. But became a square sign when I uploaded it to the server, I guess it's because the default charset on the server is UTF8. Also I've put the following meta tag on everypage, but doesn't solve the problem.

          <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />


            I was in the same situation as you Jennifer and solved it by creating a PHP function to replace the pound symbol with the html equivalent and then modifying the price layout to use the new php function.. i.e.:

            insert new function into c:\program files\actinic v8\actinic_main.php:

            PHP Code:
            function priceformat($sFormat$sPrice$sPriceAlt)

            I then modified the "Product Price Including VAT" layout which I was using to say the following:

            priceformat("<actinic:variable name="SecondCurrencyFormat" />","<actinic:variable name="TaxInclusivePrice" />", "<actinic:variable name="TaxInclusivePriceAlt" />");
            It's not the best method in the world but I couldn't be bothered spending much time on it and it solved my UTF8 issues


              Perhaps the last post on this thread may help....


              Kind regards,
              Bruce King


                We had the same problem, and we were also told to change the char set on the server, we checked with our host and we were on the correct settings with, so we went back to Actinic and were given this reply:

                Altering Special Character Encoding

                1) Switch to the 'Design' tab and click on any price shown in the 'Page Preview' pane.

                2) This should highlight a variable (written in light blue and underlined) in the 'Layout Code' pane called 'TaxInclusivePrice'.

                3) Double-click this variable to open the variable editor.

                4) On the row called 'Encoding' click in the white box then select 'HTML' from the drop-down box.

                5) Click 'OK'. You should see another variable called 'TaxInclusivePriceAlt' which will need the same setting altered.

                Again, you will need to wait until the site has been uploaded for these changes to appear.

                This solved the problem for us.
                Graham & Claire Fain

