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No search results when hitting 'return' on Advanced Search page

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    No search results when hitting 'return' on Advanced Search page

    I’m having a strange problem with my Advanced Search page.

    If I search for a word e.g. ‘champagne’ and press the ‘Search’ button, I get results as expected. However, if I enter the same search term and hit return, no products are found.

    This problem only seems to occur in Internet Explorer, not Firefox.

    Any ideas what’s going on and how I can fix this?

    My site is at,
    username: wineroom
    password: joanna

    I'm on IE7 and both types of search work the same for me.


      works in IE6 too

      I suggest you clear your cache and cookies and try again


        Still having same problem

        I've cleared cookies, temporary internet files & history, but still having the same problem. Also tried it on another machine (someone who's never visited the site before) and they had the same issue using IE7. (I'm using IE6)

        Can I check that you were testing the right Search box? i.e. the search box on this page: I'm having problems with, not the one in the header (hitting 'return' after entering a keyword returns results fine for this).


          Sorry I don't know what the problem is but I do see the same problem you're describing in IE7 - works when pressing the search button but not when pressing enter when the focus is on the search entry field.


            Have you checked your HTML for overlapping tags? It looks like it's submitting the top form instead of the main form.


              Has this been sorted? I checked on IE and FF and both work by displaying results when you hit return or click on the 'search' button.

              Kind regards,
              Bruce King


                It's still not working for me

                I've had a look at the tags but can't see anything overlapping.

                Bruce - you're searching using the box on this page?: rather than the search bar at the top?

                These are the two URLs that are generated in the address bar when I press the search button or hit return:

                Search button (works):
                HTML Code:
                Hit return (no results):
                HTML Code:
                I can see the &ACTION=Search is missing from the second - does this provide a clue to where the problem is?


                  I would recommend to backup and then try resetting your Search Page Bulk Area layout. It this works then it must be due to the changes you have made to the search layout or when you added the additional selections for Style/Country/Region. You can then make small changes at a time and see when it breaks.


                    Double checked once again and it works for me.

                    Kind regards,
                    Bruce King

