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Customising more info pages with add to cart button

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    Customising more info pages with add to cart button

    Hi Everybody

    I want to have more info / extended information pages for all my products and have these page designs as the same as my store pages. I can add the Add to cart button to these pages but I am having trouble customising the page. I normally open the more info page in Dreamweaver but things keep going wrong with my customisations etc.

    What is the best way/ procedure etc. to customise the additional information pages keeping the design in the same window and including the Add to Cart button?


    Its in the AUG - but I would not advise doing it. This has been discussed recently.


      I have the AUG in front of me. Are you referring to "Creating Extended Information pages for Section Links"?

      Also which forum has it been discussed in?





        The section Malcolm is referring to is 'Creating a Listing Page which Links Through to Full Details Pages' on p19. This tells you how you can display the Extended informaiton pages in the same window (rather than a pop-up window) and how you can add an add to cart button into the page.


          Hi Chris

          Thanks for your reply

          I have actually done that, see

          My problem is I would like to customise my more info pages and have them similar to the present website at

          Although I can actually customise these pages in Dreamweaver okay so that they are standard store pages with add to cart / buy now buttons they are overridden when I upload the store. Is it possibel to customise the more info /additional pages have them as store pages and include add to cart / buy now buttons?

          Being new to Actinic I don't know the proper way to do this or even if it can be done.


          P.S i have just noticed that has been overwritten!


            they are overridden when I upload the store.
            when working with actinicyou must edit the layouts not the generated pages.

            you say
            Although I can actually customise these pages in Dreamweaver
            what are you editing is it siteHTML?

            SiteHTML gets re-generated everytime you upload/refresh.

            Go to ACTINIC and locate the layout for the extented page layout and edit thing. If you are using 8.5 go than then transfer the layout into DW using the Actinic DW extension.

            Read the documentation on DW extension to help you along abit further


              Thanks for the reply

              Looks like I have got into a bad habit of editing the siteHTML in Dreamweaver and saving it back there and then being overwritten by the re-generation. I thought because you can edit "normal" pages in dreamweaver and then submit changes to Actinic I could do the same with the more info ones. I see now it is to do with the Layouts which I am still getting used to.

              Onwards with my Actinic learning curve!




                Looks like I have got into a bad habit of editing the siteHTML in Dreamweaver
                not so much a bad habit as an utter waste of time.

                you have to edit layouts within actinic and pass them through the DW extension.


                  Ouch! but thanks!

