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cart contents not showing..?

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    cart contents not showing..?

    We have been upgrading a V7 site to V8 (8.0.5) and have ironed out most problems but still have one which we cant seem to fathom out.

    For some reason the cart contents wont show so we get "items, £" instead of "0 items, £ 0".

    Have checked the obvious by searching here but no luck. test site is at - it shows when viewing locally but not when uploading??
    seo company: web development - online marketing - actinic ecommerce

    I think perhaps your actiniccore.js file is missing? It would cause this issue because it retrieves the cart details from a cookie.

    In fact, the acatalog part of the path is missing, so you must have set up the paths incorrectly or manually changed the tags.


      thanks - fixed now - I think it was the position of the js files in the head section as when I moved them it got sorted. File was there though...
      seo company: web development - online marketing - actinic ecommerce

