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Content Page Titles

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    Content Page Titles

    Is it possible to allow a client to change the actual meta page title? The 'page title' field in the 'page settings' tab doesn't seem to have any effect on the actual page title. In fact I can't see what it does effect.

    Yes its controlled by the tab you mention - if its not working then something is wrong


      is your client using catalog or catalog client?

      I wonder if its a client restriction?


        We're seeing no effect in 'designer' even before we deploy the website on the client's pc. I'll take it up with Actinic support on Monday.


          I am in a similar situation, have just deployed our first site over the weekend and, frustratingly, every page has the same title instead of our optimised ones. Our experience of Actinic hasn't been too great to be honest as it's so buggy whenever you try to customise it and this was the final straw!! The whole idea of going with Actinic was to free up our programmers for other projects but it's taken them twice as long to iron out the bugs in this one. Anyone else had a similar experience or are we just rubbish at Actinic?


            Hi Duncan

            Sorry to hear you are battling a bit with Actinic. It can be a tricky program to get to grips with when you first start using it.

            I think the problem you are having with your page titles is that you are edited your generated pages within the 'SiteHTML' folder rather than putting the page titles into Actinic. You need to enter the page titles into the 'Page Title' field within the 'Page Settings' tab of a section. That way, they won't keep getting overwritten by Actinic's default titles.


              That's where I've put my page titles but still no joy I'm afraid!


                Is this is a design you have bought in from Dreamweaver? If so then I think the 'Overall Layout' you created from your Dreamweaver design contains the text ' home page' hard-coded within the <title> tags.

                What I suggest you do is go to 'Design | Library | Layouts' and then right-click and select 'Find' and search for ' home page'. Then edit the layout it gives you and replace the ' home page' text between the <title> tags with the 'PageTitle' variable.

                To insert a variable, you can click the blue 'V' in a circle with a '+' on it.

                Hope that gets you to the right place.



                  Thanks for that! Works like a treat


                    Also thank you, this has also helped me this afternoon with something I was struggling with! Thanks Chris.

