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Add to cart on summary and detail page

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    Add to cart on summary and detail page

    I'm trying to set my site up so that when products are displayed within a section, it allows the customer to either buy from that page or click on "more details" and purchase from there.

    Buzby has a really slick site where he's achieved exactly what I want to do:

    Can anyone shed some light on this please? I've had a look on the forum, in the AUG and been trying all sorts of things in Actinic but I seem to be going nowhere fast!!

    I'm using the Smart theme, if that makes any difference.

    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    Many Thanks

    ive managed to add the button to the summary page, but not the attributes/choices have you any futher luck
    paste this into the CSS section link layout

    <input type="image"
    src="<actinic:variable name="CartButtonImage" />"
    name="_<Actinic:Variable Name="ProductReference"/>"
    alt="Add to Cart"
    Remembering the road to Actinic enlightenment is a long and sometimes painful one.
    Current project:
    Something for the Missus,Something for the Weekend


      Hi Michael

      This is much easier to achieve in V8 now. I used the Books section in the default V8 site, so that the 3 books appear in a row of 3 columns with individual Add to Cart, with a link to a more details page.
      The following steps worked for me :

      1. Click on the parent section and go to the Layout tab. Scroll down to the Product field and against Column count for Products, enter the number of columns you wish to divide your product display into.

      2. Now for each of the products in the section, go to the Extended Information tab and select Generate Popup Page. Choose one of the 3 Display By options and enter other necessary details as well, such as image, description, and so on.

      3. Further down on the same tab, against the field : Extended Info Page Design, select "Includes Add to Cart Button"

      4. For Type of Extended Information Page, choose "Opens in the Same Window"

      5. Now to get this pop-up window to have the same look and feel as the overall page design, you will need to follow the workaround given in the Advanced Users Guide, Pg : 19 for Creating a Listing Page which Links Through to Full Details Pages.

      6. Once this is done, you will achieve the similar kind of listing as given in the example site. This way you will also get to automatically display any choices associated with the product as well.

      I have uploaded my site with the above changes here, which will give you an idea of the end result.

      Let me know if you need any clarifications about this.
      Krithika Chandrasekar


      E-commerce software by SellerDeck


        i have just managed it sort of but ill read through your advise now

        using some script from the AUG

        this is what i have added to my CSS link layout sheet

        <actinic:block type="ProductList" />
        <b><actinic:variable name="AttributeList" /></b> <br/>
        <actinic:block type="ComponentList" />
        &nbsp;<actinic:variable name="ComponentName" /> <br/>
        <actinic:block type="AttributeList" />
        &nbsp;&nbsp;<actinic:variable name="AttributeName" /> <br/>

        this get me the attributes, but the above code for add to cart adds it everywhere i dont need it to be
        Last edited by Cheapprices4u; 22-Apr-2007, 08:41 AM. Reason: update
        Remembering the road to Actinic enlightenment is a long and sometimes painful one.
        Current project:
        Something for the Missus,Something for the Weekend


          Hi Krithika and Darren

          Thanks for your posts. I'll have a look at the solution and try and implement it. No doubt I'll let you know if I hit any problems.

          Thanks once again - your help, as always, is really appreciated.



            You're a star

            Hi Krithika

            Just wanted to say thanks a million - your solution worked a treat.


              Excellent Michael. :-)
              Krithika Chandrasekar


              E-commerce software by SellerDeck


                hi i have done this on a test site of mine and it works great

                but a question for you

                i have a site im playing with that i have added a sub section for each product then added that product to its own sub section

                i was lead to believe that each product having its own section gives better seo/search results? is this true

                am i better following this instruction or going the way i have been
                if so how can i add the cart button to my layouts

                many thanks

                Remembering the road to Actinic enlightenment is a long and sometimes painful one.
                Current project:
                Something for the Missus,Something for the Weekend


                  It is generally agreed that a single product per section allows you to optimise that product better for SEs.

                  The simplest way to implement this is to place duplicates of the products in the parent section. You can see this here (Adult) ( and here (


                    hi thanks for that i think you have told me this before thanks again for trying to help

                    im having trouble understanding what your saying to do, i grasp the duplicate option and the section

                    what i have just now is

                    section(product type)>sub-section(product supplier)>sub-section(product type)>sub-section( name of product)>product

                    you are saying to then place a duplicate in which section?

                    as it happens its a lingerie site for my missus to do when the kids are at school so similar to yours really sort of
                    but if i duplicate the product i just end up with it duplicated at the sub-section level can you clarify?

                    many thanks
                    Remembering the road to Actinic enlightenment is a long and sometimes painful one.
                    Current project:
                    Something for the Missus,Something for the Weekend


                      You can place a duplicate in any section you like. If it's in the wrong section then just drag it to where you want it to be. You can create many duplicates and group them any way you wish.

                      I place the duplicates in their immediate parent section. Where do you want yours?


                        Originally posted by SpikyMikey
                        Buzby has a really slick site where he's achieved exactly what I want to do:

                        Can anyone shed some light on this please?
                        This site is using version 7 and did take a lot of work. I am currently changing my main site over to a one product per page format using version 8 which is a lot easier, and quicker.



                          hi im happy with this layout as per my description above
                          but im trying to add the add cart button and prices etc
                          i cant see how i can create duplicates unless ive messed up somehow,by creating to many sub-sections


                          again many thanks for your help
                          Remembering the road to Actinic enlightenment is a long and sometimes painful one.
                          Current project:
                          Something for the Missus,Something for the Weekend


                            Originally posted by Buzby
                            I am currently changing my main site over to a one product per page format using version 8 which is a lot easier, and quicker.
                            NO - don't do it!!! Your site looks great as it is!!!

