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checking html pages problem

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    checking html pages problem

    bored with this game! Every time I upload changes to my website i.e. add more products, several more messages like the one shown here appear. Every time it does the upload pauses until I OK it. Originally there were just a few. When it got to 20 or more I contacted Actinic who suggested that there was a problem with my installation as they could not reproduce the problem. They suggested I delete the problem products and re-type them, but the problem has just grown bigger with time. Now there are dozens of products showing this message. And yes..... I have uninstalled and reinstalled the programme then refreshed the website - no luck!

    A page named 'C:\Program Files\Actinic v8\Sites\Site1\SiteHTML\info_PB60bc.html' has already been generated for the extended info page 'Bowl Box'. The same page name is used for the extended info page 'PB60 - Satin box to fit fruit bowl or barrel tankard' and therefore the previously created page will be overwritten.

    Do you wish to continue the upload?

    Help! Has anybody got any other suggestions please before it does my head in!

    have you looked at the way the page names for extended info are being generated?

    Maybe there's a conflict within your product references that is causing extended page names not to get generated correctly.

    One way to test this would be to manually name the extended info pages to see if this reduces the problem


      Ive had this loads of times with V8 and usually it vanishes when the database is compacted.


        Try Malc's solution before looking at mine


          Originally posted by pinbrook
          One way to test this would be to manually name the extended info pages to see if this reduces the problem
          am so sorry - I posted this then rushed off to do something else - bad etiquette or what! Just remembered and came back to see if anyone had spotted my cry for help.

          have tried altering the name manually before - which should have worked - no luck, and I regularly condense the database to improve the running.

          Any other suggestions - just counted 28 items this is happening to so far....and growing!


            I would suggest trying what Jo advised you to do.

            There have been reports before that an old link no longer used but still having the image selected causes problems.

            Kind regards,
            Bruce King


              Originally posted by Bruce
              I would suggest trying what Jo advised you to do.

              There have been reports before that an old link no longer used but still having the image selected causes problems.
              Thanks Bruce - Not sure how to do this other than what I have already tried, which was to go into the extended page and alter the name under 'pop up page' by adding another letter to the name to make it slightly different.

              Is there somewhere else I should be doing this instead? It seems to happen where an item has been copied and pasted as a duplicate from the original. Have checked the site to make sure I haven't accidentally copied without doing this, but all looks good to me. I just wish there was an option to tick to say 'yes to all' every time it comes across one!


                Hi Amanda,

                I think support would need to check out your database and see what's going on behind the scenes.

                Can you please log a support query here.

                Toby Blanchard


                  I think support would need to check out your database and see what's going on behind the scenes.

                  Can you please log a support query here.
                  Was this problem resolved, please?

                  I have exactly the same problem with a vast number of duplicates complaining bitterly!

                  Location: North Yorkshire UK


                    I've had this problem a couple of times, I thinks due to the way Duplicate fields are setup in Settings|Duplicate Fields Configuration.
                    If you have it set to NOT allow extended info page name to be altered it will use the same extended info page URL as the original product.
                    ***COPY DATABASE FIRST***
                    The way I fixed it was open ActinicCatalog.mdb in Access and find the ProductRef column, sort by all ProductRefs containing "!" , Right click and copy this column.
                    Then go to the column with the Extended info page name and paste it there.
                    Then do find and replace (start of field) for "1" , replace with "info_1"
                    Do the same from 2 to 9
                    Find and replace "!" (anywhere in field) with "_"
                    Do the same for any dodgy characters like "/" or "." or spaces and replace with "_"
                    Then you need to add ".html" to the end of the field.
                    I don't know if theres any easy way to do it in access, I just usually copy the column into excell and apply a formula, depending on how many you need to change.
                    Of course if you havent got many duplicates you could just manually add "1_", "2_","3_" etc after "info_" to extended info page name in access to match the Product ref.
                    A bit scary maybe but it works


                      I fixed it in mine today

                      I noted each problem product (which was, indeed a product and duplicate) and used the "reset duplicates" button on each original product affected.

                      It wasn't all of them (but enough to be a nuisance!)

                      No need to change the extended into page names..just reset them using the above method.

                      The biggest problem is locating them all from the warning but it works.


                        Hi Phil,

                        Thanks very much for the reply.

                        Hi Tracey,

                        Your suggestion won the day. I thought it might prove to be the easiest option and it was apart from mouse fatigue after doing a few dozen. Anyway, it works and works well, so thank you both.

                        Have a nice holiday weekend. Ha ha!!

                        Location: North Yorkshire UK


                          David, you're welcome
                          Wow, that's twice in one week I've been useful!
                          It could almost become a habit

