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Version 8.5.1

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    Version 8.5.1

    Anyone brave enough to install this yet?

    Is it stable?

    It's a beta! As advised on the announcement it is not recommended to install this on a live site.

    Why not install it on a space system and test from there. That way there's no harm done if you have problems.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Hi Norman,

      Wouldn't dream of installing it on any of my live sites, being BETA.

      I just wondered if there was any feedback regarding the new version. There are a couple of things in the new version that would really help a new site I'm doing, and I'm keen as mustard to get my hands on it!

      I'll hang fire until given the all clear.



        There are a couple of things in the new version that would really help a new site
        Then why not do some work and test it rather than leaving it to others.


          Installed and upgraded onto our dev site.

          So far, so good. Tha patch works too

          Not switched any 8.04 over yet, waiting for the production release before I even test them....

          Now where is the PPPro hidden in the payment choices, I canny see it

          Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
          Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting


            Originally posted by los_design
            Installed and upgraded onto our dev site.

            So far, so good. Tha patch works too

            Not switched any 8.04 over yet, waiting for the production release before I even test them....

            Now where is the PPPro hidden in the payment choices, I canny see it

            Yea, that's one of the things I'm looking forward to Daren.

            I'm installing it on my laptop at the moment to have a play with -- also, I'm glad the import variables functionallity has been enabled.

            Cheers buddy.


              Now where is the PPPro hidden in the payment choices, I canny see it
              It's in there somewhere. Honest.

              Of course, if you just install the patch, and not the full version, you won't get PayPal Pro as you won't upgrade your PSPs. I suggest you install the full version of the beta and you should get it.


                Oh bugger

                Thats what we thought Chris

                Going to bring in a 8.04 shortly, or should I do this incrementally (8.04 to 8.5 then to 8.5.1?)


                EDIT...yup, there it is, nice one
                Last edited by los_design; 23-Apr-2007, 10:45 AM. Reason: update
                Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
                Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting


                  Same question here chris
                  Chris Ashdown


                    You can go straight to 8.5.1 if you install the full version over the top of your 8.0.4. I've done this hundreds of times, and it works fine.

                    The patch doesn't have any of the help updates or the PayPal Pro PSP so is not much use if you want to get stuck into new features.


                      cheers for the clarification Chris.

                      Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
                      Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting

